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AZ "anti-gay" law SB1062: Freedom or oppression?


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I was hoping Stefan could address this topic in an upcoming podcast. I don't hear any libertarian voices coming out in favor or against it. My thought is that this is just another example of how the state is in the business of banning certain practices at the force of law then doling out exceptions for special interest groups, usually under the guise religious freedom.

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You've provided no frame of reference, so I'm unsure what you're talking about. Legislations (humans cannot make laws) are commands backed by threats of violence. They are inherently oppressive and no libertarian voice could come out in favor of the initiation of the use of force.

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I have always had this view that American politics for quite some time now has been based around creating moral conflicts in the population that are emotionally moving, but do not effect the power of the state. I view this fiasco in AZ, and the overwhelming reaction to it (which is an extremely hypocritical reaction to say the least), as another exercise in America wasting it's "moral energy" on the trivial.


Should the one type of slaves be forced to do business with other slaves that they don't like? All the while ignoring the fact that we are all slaves, and the oppression being dolled out us collectivlely is 1000 times worse than all private bigotry rolled into one, on it's worst day.


No here in America we don't go after the guys who tell lies that start wars, and murder millions of brown people, on the other side of the planet, that's not our style. We don't go after people who spy on us, breaking the highest laws in the land, who get caught spying, and then tell us to get stuffed.


Here in America we go after bakers, who refuse to make cakes, because cake denial is a real problem her in the US. A citizen should not be inconvienienced by the moral dilema, and bigoted abuse of having to buy a cake somewhere else. We are a "moral" people, and we will not tolerate such bigotry.

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It's just laws on top of laws on top of laws.  You should be able to do business or not do business with whoever you want, and face the social and market consequences of that decision.  Instead, we live in the world of insanity where everybody and their brother gets to riff on some uneventful issue between a small group of people.  I mean, hell maybe all the anarchists should be wearing masks and holding signs and protesting the fucking Purge movie.  Cause you know, it's not good enough to just not see it, you have to make a ruckus about it!

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You've provided no frame of reference, so I'm unsure what you're talking about. Legislations (humans cannot make laws) are commands backed by threats of violence. They are inherently oppressive and no libertarian voice could come out in favor of the initiation of the use of force.


Sorry I assumed most were familiar with it, it's getting a lot of national coverage http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/21/us/arizona-anti-gay-bill/index.html. 

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