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Bangkok and Chiangmai


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Hey all!  I just kicked off FYA Asia, and I'm starting in Thailand!  I'll be in Bangkok and Chiangmai over the next few weeks (probably with a visa run somewhere in there).


If you're in the area and would like to meet up, send me a ping!


I started Five Years Abroad about a year and a half ago, initially to find a new home for myself somewhere in the world, as I never quite felt like I "fit" anywhere in my country of origin.  But within a few weeks, I came to discover that the problem was never where I was — the problem was that my culture of origin had forced me to be somebody else, and I was only just now rediscovering my true self!


Five Years Abroad started out as a blog, but I added a podcast show about a year ago, and I'm working on launching a video series soon!


Aside from fanatical pursuit of self-knowledge, I'm very interested in emerging blockchain-based consensus technology (Bitcoin, anything that I3 is working on, NextCoin, and others), freelancing, software development, travel... and every now and then I like to kick back for an evening of Minecraft (:


Looking forward to meeting up!



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Hey there todofixthis! Have you made it to or are planning to come to Japan during your journey? I've lived in Japan going on six years now. Would be nice to have a small meet up at some point if you're in the area. I am planning on going to Thailand for my winter vacation, however. Will you still be in Thailand come December?



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Hey Shea!  Japan's on my list, but I'm not sure exactly when I'll be there.


I'm loving Thailand!  The culture is so friendly and accommodating, and I love love LOVE Thai food!


(never mind that I am currently in Indonesia doing a visa run :P )


The cost of living in this part of the world is also very agreeable (:  Even if I can't stay in Thailand, I will be hanging around in other SE Asia countries for the next couple of years.


My current plan is to stay in Thailand for at least 6 months before jumping back into permanent traveler mode.  Could go longer or shorter; we'll see.


We should stay in touch!  I'll PM you my contact details (:

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Hello todofixthis. 


I was just in Bangkok about 4 weeks ago (I actually left BKK on February 26). I'm currently in Korea, but I will be going back to Thailand this summer.


I'll be sure to revisit this thread as that time approaches.

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From what I hear Pheonix, there are a lot of western web developers  that hang in the beach province of Pattaya, just southeast of Bangkok.. Despite it's somewhat sleazy reputation, it seems to be a more pleasant environment and cost compared to Bangkok. At least from what I hear from the few that have been living and working in Thailand for a number of years now. I can attempt to introduce you perhaps. FB me on that, if you're interested.


Chiangmai, is kind of quiet from experience... Great place to visit of course.

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From what I hear Pheonix, there are a lot of western web developers  that hang in the beach province of Pattaya, just southeast of Bangkok.. Despite it's somewhat sleazy reputation, it seems to be a more pleasant environment and cost compared to Bangkok. At least from what I hear from the few that have been living and working in Thailand for a number of years now. I can attempt to introduce you perhaps. FB me on that, if you're interested.


Chiangmai, is kind of quiet from experience... Great place to visit of course.


That sounds awesome!  I would love to break into the Pattaya network (:  I'll PM you on FB.


Bangkok is nice, but I'm looking for other places to check out this time around.  I picked Chiangmai mostly because it is popular; it would be cool to find a spot that's maybe a bit more off the tourist radar, but with enough expat exposure that I could network with like-minded people.

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