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I came across this video a few years ago, and maybe it's old news to most people on the board too, but it's worth pondering the question of electronic facism - i.e the race between surveillance technology and ethics. Highly skilled people without principles or any ethical understanding are supplying governments with tehcnology that may bring back the totalitarianism of the 20th century under a modern, more "palatable" guise.Besides the somewhat corny story and cliched acting, what do you think, is this a realisitc scenario if e-fascism is allowed to hit full bloom? 

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I'm going to admittedly piggy-back on your post and add my interest to a discussion on this topic. I've met a lot of free-thinkers that place a great deal of 'faith' in technology being the swift brown fox jumping over the lazy G-man, always one step ahead and even being the eventual medium in which a kiss of death is finally graced on a then (its always 'in the future') obsolete Government ecosystem... I would like to have a reason to think that's possible, but maybe I just lack the vision - I tend to feel the theme of this short to be more likely - the continuous perversion of technology to make Government more 'effective'; possibly even serving to prolong it's lifespan and reach. I'm excited to see *responses to this thread though :D*(or re-links of previous discussions, FDR videos, etc) 

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