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Stefan talks about The Great Gatsby?


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About 6 months ago, I remember at the beginning of a podcast that Stefan was talking about the Great Gatsby, giving a small sort of review. I'm pretty sure it was a call in show, but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of what specific podcast it is since I cannot recall.



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I recently had lunch with a young English major who described herself as a feminist. Previously I had recommended Fitzgerald's "Winter Dreams", and she read it. I asked for her opinion, and she said something along the lines of "puh-lease, I don't get what the big deal is. Some guy writes about loving some girl when she's young, and now that he finds out she's old and no longer beautiful he's sad? Oh, boo-hoo!"I asked her if she ever considered that feelings such as those described in the story are very much a part of the male experience, and are as valid as anyone else's, e.g a feminist's. She stared blankly. There was no followup meeting. 

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