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Your favorite Stefan quote?


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Hey guys and girls! I'm making a bunch of Stef memes/graphics and was wondering if you guys had any quotes you'd like to see made into one? Short ones are easier to make, but any length is good! Here is one I made recently:law.jpg

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That's an awesome graphic for an awesome quote. Nice job!


I have a few favorites:


"If there were anything true about culture, they wouldn't call it culture!"

FDR#71 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/culture.mp3


"democracy is a suggestion box for slaves" (I believe a graphic already exists for this one, though)


"I don't want the fucking candy!" from the truth about voting

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 i typed out this one from the youtube the secret of the world victims can be victimizers

I couldn't do what I do if I was afraid of offending people or upsetting people. I mean that's why philosophy tends to stagnate the most of any science because philosophy tends to upset and offends the most people, but I could really give a rat's ass about the people who are upset and offended by what I argue. They don't even show up on my radar. All I care about is, am I illuminating a path to less violence? Particularly towards children.” Stefan Molyneux

...blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will sheperds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. . .Samuel L. Jackson ;)

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Hey guys and girls! I'm making a bunch of Stef memes/graphics and was wondering if you guys had any quotes you'd like to see made into one? Short ones are easier to make, but any length is good! Here is one I made recently:


Posted Imagelaw.jpg


I love the posters you have made with Stef's quotes! Spreading the word with awesome posters!


I have a quote, but it isn't made by Stefan, but I think it really encompasses Freedomain's philosophy. I'm not sure who to give credit to for this quote because it was something I had just written down a while back so sorry for that. The quote goes like this:


"The "afterlife" we should be worried about is the future we leave our children."

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"If there were anything true about culture, they wouldn't call it culture!"


That's brilliant, I always had no respect for any culture, it's just an accumulation of irrationalities which are collectively habituated.

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I heard Stefan say it just now, my apologies if I didn't notice he was quoting MLK!  :confused:

Haha, not MLK, but the original gangsta Martin Luther who translated the scriptures into the vernacular, the Luther of Lutheranism. And I don't know for sure it wasn't stef inspired by him or an actual quote of Luther's. Vague memories...

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"The things my father signed us up for baffle the mind. We were sent to explore the Outer Hebrides with the 'Young Royal Explorer's Society'... or something like that...with some crazy guy who had a 90-lb typewriter, that we got points for dragging around as children. This was my first skepticism around rewards from authority."  --S.B.M  (from FDR182.Freedom part 3: Siblings, @ about the 42 minute mark.)

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"Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge. "
"The ruling classes use broken and smashed up childhoods as weaponised instruments of domination around the world. ((And this is why) [The] government has no incentive to end child abuse because the government needs abuse victims as enforcers.)"
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"Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge. "


Which FDR is that from, do you know?




Anyway, from 2671, a nice quote:


"Most people cannot think. And the worst part? Most people cannot think, and so they don't know ... that they cannot think."

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