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Your favorite Stefan quote?


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"Government is a gun that shoots money at your enemy and blows up in your face"


"They aren't stupid. They just don't want to know they are in hell."


"When it comes to fake apologies, every asshole has a "but""

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"There are fundamentally two types of people in the world: Traumatized People and those who reject traumatized people; the latter, ironically, consider themselves good people."


---Wednesday, May 7th, 2014, Call-in show. 

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Hi people, 

                 I found the Feminist Straw Woman venting elsewhere over her call (sorry, this isn't a Stefan quote): 


Spacehoppa says:
May 13, 2014 at 10:07 am
For anyone who might be interested, I debated with Stefan Molyneux in this podcast on a fairly mysoginistic rant he did a few weeks ago on his youtube channel. I am the first caller. I think he’s a clever guy, and enjoy his outpourings on other topics, but his views on women and mothers seem to be very skewed. Also, he relies rather too heavily on attacking people’s debating style rather than addressing their arguments. It was an interesting experience. http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/2693/feminist-straw-woman-attacks-sunday-call-in-show-may-11th-2014
Youri Carma says:
May 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm
I always thought of Stefan Molyneux as an homosexual. Not that that is anything wrong with that but it could explain his strange view on woman.
According to a homosexual man I know all man are lingering homosexuals. But straight is the new gay. http://youtu.be/u0lVbMOMTi0?t=7m22s
Spacehoppa says:
May 13, 2014 at 2:21 pm
Hi Youri,
Well I don’t know about him being gay, but I agree that having such a low opinion of most women does make you wonder. I tend to think he was very damaged by being brought up by a narcissistic mother and that as a consequence he now views all women through this lens. The irony is, he has now become his mother, by exhibiting those same narcissistic, grandiose, bullying behaviours himself. Not that you’d get him to see that in this lifetime, or the next.
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Hey guys and girls! I'm making a bunch of Stef memes/graphics and was wondering if you guys had any quotes you'd like to see made into one? Short ones are easier to make, but any length is good! Here is one I made recently:


Posted Imagelaw.jpg


I love your graphic. If you put that on the front of a shirt, then on the back you could add:


"Laws won't protect you. Pieces of paper don't stop bullets."

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talking about double think he once said:

"Choke back the aneurism"

I think of it every time i witness double think.


And of course, in his Bitcoin presentation @ next web:


"Billed be the war mongers"


in responce to "Blessed be the peace makers"

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"You know you're not actually making any arguments, right?"


^ I think this one would go nicely printed across a picture of the pipe-smoking non-argument dog ilk.



Just caught one that I like a few minutes ago from http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/70/how-to-control-a-human-soul around 43:00 to 46:30 or so. I have a disparity between the mouse pop up timer and the one visible above the volume bar, so I can't say exactly when it is.


"Culture is just the scar tissue of child abuse."

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"If you look at an authoritarian society and it makes since, it's because that's how you treat yourself."





"We are stuffed full of lies and all we can manage are little burps of truth that find their way out."




"We are not overly bothered if a stranger is mad – the insanity of a ruler infects generations."

-The Truth Behind Frozen




"Being around crazy or evil people hollows out the souls of the virtuous. We get turned to ash. Being there is to empty out yourself, to become the opposite of who you are. There's a little flicker of fire and then it, too, goes out and we're all in the dark."





"Put the oxygen mask on yourself, before you help others."

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Ones I've published on the FB:
"The capacity to counterfeit, combined with the voters' desire to get something for nothing, creates the mutant, tumor-based economy that we're currently struggling to recognize and communicate as dangerous to others." From: http://youtu.be/LZMgmuSZVGE
"Life flourishes in the absence of force." From: ?
Such a good analogy about what happens when you stoop to a hater's level: "You can go wrestle with a pig in mud, but you both get filthy, and the pig likes it." (Though, this one may have been Stef quoting someone else). From: ?
"Rights are something made up by governments to make you feel like you're buying something with you're taxes." From: ?
And a meme I created
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Yeah, the quote below is tough to fit on anything but a board post here, or maybe wrapped around a double decker tour bus a few times as a great public service announcement—but it's the spirit that counts, pun intended.


We can’t just say to people “I think your religious delusions are bad for you, and I think you should give up your delusions about there being an all loving water bed of infinite deification that’s going to catch you when you fall out of this flat mattress of meat called life!"

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"Life's a buffet and you pay every day. You take what you want and you pay for it." (1143)


"If they can dodge the ball, then they can see the ball. Even if they say they can't." (1814)


"Philosophy leaped over your crib and bitch-slapped you." (1172)


"Stop trying to manage yourself and listen. Relax into the certainty.... Stop thinking and start feeling. Relax into yourself like a hammock." (1172)

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