Alin Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 " If you can’t share what’s important to you with the people around you then you have no relationship. It’s all just proximity, and turkey and sports and weather and bullshit." “The truth is not a sword to be drawn at all costs. You count your enemies, you count your opportunities, and sometimes you leave it in its scabbard.” "When you've had a truly tragic childhood, you will never know how cold-hearted the motherfuckers on this planet are, untill you opened your heart about your sad history in the company of the unempathetic muggles who never had many struggles."
mangodrink Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 From one of the more recent ones that I liked: "Sin is taking your self-esteem hostage and then selling it back to you for money."
Alin Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 "It's not social anxiety. It's simply being too stuffed full of horror and secrets, to be able to make any small talk." - Stefan Molyneux "There’s nothing lonelier than empty relationships. At least when you’re alone you can be yourself, but when you’re with empty relationships you can’t even be yourself. You can be real alone, or you can be a ghost with false friends. Pulse proximity is not intimacy, and it’s worse than no friends at all." - Stefan Molyneux
A__ Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 Great topic, Reina. I can't think of the specific quote but it was something like "if people can abuse their own children, think how easy it is to abuse... murder foreigners" I'm probably paraphrasing it badly. I think it was a call in show with a former military recruit. I will try to find the exact quote. Edit: It's "All the other wars are just the shadow of the war on children" @ approximately 1:19 in Asshole Proximity Disorder podcast. Really good speech about children. So many good quotes.
MMX2010 Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 On 6/17/2014 at 12:32 AM, Adrienne said: Great topic, Reina. I can't think of the specific quote but it was something like "if people can abuse their own children, think how easy it is to abuse... murder foreigners" I'm probably paraphrasing it badly. I think it was a call in show with a former military recruit. I will try to find the exact quote. If it was, start with the podcast "No Thanks For Your Service".
Alin Posted June 18, 2014 Posted June 18, 2014 “When we wake up to the aliveness in ourselves, we often forget to wake up to the deadness in others. For a long time I thought I was rejoining the human race. […] It does not happen that you heal yourself to rejoin humanity. Like Nietzche’s superman, you heal yourself and surpass humanity. Because humanity is, as I talked about earlier in this show, inhumane” - Stefan Molyneux "To buid a skyscraper you must first DIG down. To go up you go down. First you build a base. The base, is the people around you." - Stefan Molyneux
jester7707 Posted June 18, 2014 Posted June 18, 2014 “To be yourself is in many ways to be inconvenient to others. Only placaters and appeasers get along with other people all the time and that's not really getting along with anyone. That's just self erasure." “The principals are quite simple. We can love people who treat us well. We cannot love people who treat us badly because, treating someone badly is not a virtue and we can only love virtue. I don’t think that’s controversial. I mean, there is no marriage therapist that I can imagine in the world who would say to a woman being beaten, humiliated, verbally abused, or completely ignored by her husband, “You just need to love him more. You need to work at making him happier.” That would be sadistic in the extreme to say to someone. So, in the same way I say, if anyone, I don’t care if they are your priest, god, father, mother, or your Siamese twin cousin coming out of your elbow or ass. I don’t care. If someone is treating you badly, that is not good for you. The solution is not you being so great that you both become better. That’s not a realistic solution.” “Anger is the immune system of the soul.” -Stef There was another that goes something like "Every time a woman chooses to be with a violent man she throws another log on the fire that is the world." I would love to know how the original goes.
jester7707 Posted June 19, 2014 Posted June 19, 2014 “If there is no honesty, there is no relationship. The only degree to which there is a relationship is the degree to which you are honest." "To frame someone for murder is pretty hard but to palm a packet of cocaine and say that you found it in their car is pretty damn easy and the government loves having that power." "Because people haven’t been reasoned into their beliefs, they can’t be reasoned out of their beliefs, [and] when people have existing prejudices, showing them facts that run counter to those prejudices does not dislodge them. In fact, statistically, it is more likely to make those prejudices stronger.” “The move towards the extension of personhood to children is already underway, and is utterly, completely and totally unstoppable!” -Stef
Stefan Molyneux Posted June 19, 2014 Posted June 19, 2014 thanks so much everyone, this is great to repost!
Wesley Posted June 20, 2014 Posted June 20, 2014 "I was researching really gay ice magic." -Stefan Molyneux As per the YT comments for "The Dangers of Dating a Sex Worker".
Burgundy Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 "Women good, because- - -... M-a-g-i-c. Men bad, because - -... B-e-a-r-d-s!" - Stefan so much good stuff from, "Truth about Maleficent". But this one gets me all the time, also love the part of "progression of evil, by beard/manly level". Stefan is like Luois CK with added philosophy level of over 9000.
Alin Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 "Society loves child abuse. Society needs child abuse. Society IS child abuse. Otherwise it would be called philosophy" - Stefan Molyneux
MMX2010 Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 "It's nobody else's job to ensure that you won't end up alone: you've got to earn that yourself."
Songbirdo Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 Cracked me up in the recent call in show "You Can't Fix Stupid". "It's like there's gold three feet in the ocean, and everyone is scuffing up and down on the beach saying,"There's not really much gold here. There's no gooold. Where's the gooold? I want some gooold."And it's's in there three feet, just gotta go pick it up."Well that's wet. I don't wanna get my feet wet. Where's my gooold? I want gooold...How come other people get all the gooold? I want the government to get me some gooold..."Like...IT'S THREE FEET AWAY! GO GET THE GOLD! IT'S IN THE OCEAN! RIGHT THERE! It's not a pufferfish that's going to bite you! It's not a gold shark or anything like that! It's not a rappers discarded teeth! It's real gold!"I want some gold...where's my gold...I want some gold..." Start at 1:00:10
Alin Posted June 30, 2014 Posted June 30, 2014 "The desire to do harm to evil doers is not a vice" - Stefan Molyneux
Samir Posted July 5, 2014 Posted July 5, 2014 "Put down the gun, then we'll talk" "Extract the principal and reverse it". This one is espacially helpfull for me in relationchips.
RyanT Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 ''Sadness is the coward's anger'' Testosterone Based Parasites
SamuelS Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 "Let's use cubes here so I don't think of myself as sitting on a stack of nads." - Molyneux, fdr1328, discussing UPB and gravity(?) relating to an aggregation of balls.
MMX2010 Posted August 25, 2014 Posted August 25, 2014 "Those who are happy, despite never helping the victims of child abuse, are stealing their happiness from the victims of child abuse."
Mr. Wrong Posted August 25, 2014 Posted August 25, 2014 Anything he has jokingly said with regard to the penis has been memorable.
SamuelS Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 "Fuck it, I'll light my dick on fire, I'll run off a cliff, I'll grab four eagles and try to fly, if that's what get's the ladies' juices flowing, that's what I gotta do.""There's gonna be romance, and ponies."
Lars Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 "...although you know, if I did have all my nose-hairs pulled up and tied in a top-knot with my ear hair, I might actually look like a very old hot Asian girl" (FDR1006 Late Night Shyts n Giggles; 11:06)
Psychophant Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 I got one, "There is only one peach with a hole in the middle." Oh my, it wasn't him. That's my favourite "How can you be that dumb about your own dick." It was this podcast with a dude who was clueless about his affinity for women below average attractiveness.
lbnuke Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 These are great posts and reposts. I can't help but laugh, still, when I read, hear or listen to: "Not Even Wrong - “2 + 2 = 5” is wrong; “2 + blue = unicorn” is “not even wrong.”
MMX2010 Posted October 3, 2014 Posted October 3, 2014 "The real sexists and racists benefits most whenever conversations about sexism and racism get shut down." - FDR 2810
OGMizen Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 My favorite is what he said in response to the old 'but she's your mother' - 'and thats why I didnt FUCKING KILL HER!!' There are waaaayyyy too many great quotes though.
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