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Anarchy meetup/social group


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Hey everyone,


I want to find a way to start a meetup group for talking about Anarchy and Voluntarism. Partly, because I think it's an essential thing to talk about when peopel are slwoly waking up but don't see a good or reasonable asnwer or diagnose to most of theworld's problems, but also, cause I want to find some Anarchists in my area.On the other hand it's not a topic I want to talk about during other meetups I attend, cause it feels a bit out of place there.So I wonder, has anyone any experience with how to best go on about doing that. I hesitate simply starting a group on meetup, cause I'm not sure it will be enough in and of itself to attract people to come by, but I also have no real idea how to promote it either.So if anyone who wants to give me some advice I'd really appreciate it.(ideally adviced based on experience, but feel free to just give me your thoughts either way ofc)

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It costs money to start a meetup on meetup.com (from experience).  Also, you may want to identify the local area where this will take place, so that people within a reasonable distance can come.  Trust me, the numbers are VERY few and you might get disappointed with the turnout, but even one person to connect with in real life would be nice.  Anarchy is a lonely thing to attach your name to, as I'm sure you have all found out.

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Freedomain Radio has a meetup everywhere site here: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/


My understanding is you do not need to pay in order to have a meetup on there.


(Personal experience in recently using that site to organize a meetup group in Rochester)


At a minimum it would be available to help filter people from FDR to a meetup in your area by making both have the same date and location.


For me at least, I just needed the first person to come and then they told their friends who were ancaps and things grew from there. Once we go for a while and have regular members who are comfortable with each other we may look into advertising and expanding, but so far, I am not sure where the ceiling is going to be on this.

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