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Is free market an altar of permanent sacrifice?


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Stefan often talks about corrective mechanisms that exist in the free market, but doesn't this flow of the free market frequently cause human collapse?

For example, he once mentioned the case of a polluting company, completely disregarding the fact that a company can just change its name or relocate, which is merely the most extreme example.


So basically, it's like shoving human corpses in the furnace of free market?


Where are the safety nets? Doesn't Stefan dismiss this as socialism/marxism/state violence?

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So you think that a company with lots of factories will be able to get away with polluting the environment and then simply change it's name and nobody will notice? Or that moving the factories they own in order to relocate will somehow be cheaper than properly disposing of their waste? You ask where the safety nets are as if they exist today; When BP pollutes the ocean they pay a small fine and continue.


Based on your post I'm inclined to believe you haven't put much thought into this idea.

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Based on your post I'm inclined to believe you haven't put much thought into this idea.

I can say the same for you, it's like you are not even living on this planet. Of course people will do everything possible to avoid the corrective mechanisms of the free market and thus avoid their own physical collapse or deterioration. What living organism wouldn't?

The entire system of free market incentivizes predatory behavior, creating even more corpses when there are no regulations.

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It was suggested that you're a troll because you're all output, no input, and resort to ad hominem as extreme as "not even living on this planet" regularly.

I would say that you are confabulating in the lieu of substantive response while using the preset language of this community, but I don't want to hurt such delicate flower any further.

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Wait, who exactly is gonna protect you from Islamic fascism and imperialism without the US DOD?

Sure, you can say that USA is an evil empire and for the most part you would be correct, but Islamic cancer is far worse.

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Well, first of all states have killed up to 500 million of their own people in the last century + war - so I would say States are an altar of permanent human sacrifice

So you think that a company with lots of factories will be able to get away with polluting the environment and then simply change it's name and nobody will notice?




If that happens even once it is very easy to prevent from happening again.

All you do is build preventative measures into their insurance contracts, maybe certain individuals will be made liable and they have signed a contract saying they can be arrested, fined, made to make restitution, even punished, if they renege on the deal.

You could agree for them to be electronically tagged in case they fled

Or you could have a third party take control of a certain amount of funds and have the power to extract that 500mil or whatever from their bank account for contract violations

or basically anything you can think of


the broker will dream up something that is fullproof

it will optimize over time with trial and error

its really quite simple once you get the principle down


one person finds one kind of contract that seems to work, and then other people keep on besting it until there is a system in place which is continually self-optimizing


which is the opposite of government which puts a system in place that kind of sits there like a rock that the river tries to run round but always somehow finds a way no matter how you carve it

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