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Norwegian documentary "Brainwashing" - The Gender Equality Paradox


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Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate. 
Ihle has stated that the pair initially planned to make a TV program about the biology associated with Darwin year, but Steven Pinker's controversial bestseller The Blank Slate convinced them to "go a little deeper into the biological basis for the difference between people".[1] 2010, Eia received the Fritt Ord Honorary Award "for, through the programme Brainwash, having precipitated one of the most heated debates on research in recent times."[2]  ~ Wiki
Brainwashed Science on TV Creates Storm, 2010
"What Eia had done, was to first interview the Norwegian social scientists on issues like sexual orientation, gender roles, violence, education and race, which are heavily politicized in the Norwegian science community. Then he translated the interviews into English and took them to well-known British and American scientists like Robert Plomin, Steven Pinker, Anne Campbell, Simon Baron-Cohen, Richard Lippa, David Buss, and others, and got their comments. To say that the American and British scientists were surprised by what they heard, is an understatement."


The ("Brainwashing") - English - Part 1 - The Gender Equality Paradox, video:


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I saw that one. It was pretty good, I thought.


It seems strange to me that people can acknowledge a very different brain structure between the sexes and say with a straight face that it wouldn't affect their psychology. Brain structures that seem to me (a layman) to be very complimentary: the female brain built for speed (packed tighter together) and the male brain for specialization (more segmented). Anecdotally, that seems to be the case since I am often feeling slow compared to women, but typically the ladies seem less interested in things like math and philosophy which (in my experience) is really slow going and a huge time investment. But I've never been a woman, so I could be full of it, haha.

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Glad I've liked it. 
Yes, as far as I understood it, non of those people ("social scientists", etc.) who supported cultural determinist models had any scientific data, to begin with, and at the end said that they are not even interested in it. That was not what they set about to do. 
Also "documentary led to the closure of the Nordic Gender Institute (Nikki), a devastating blow for gender ideology occurred when the site Turtle Bay and Beyond published an article that exposes the foundations of gender ideology and its quackery background. Sociologist Herald EIA, conducted a comprehensive study on how gender ideology in Norway took deep root. In his own satirical way publicly opposed theories ... which led to the abolition of funding (€ 56 million) of the Nordic Gender Institute (Nikki), and finally to its closure. "
I am interested in how good is the rest of series. Haven't watched them yet. 
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Hi guys,From my 9mths behind enemy lines i can say that as a guy i am really happy to not have grown up here. They dont even need ideologues..the astronomical ratio of single mothers, plus the 4kids/1teacher (mostly female) in kindergarden, to which kids are put with 1 year old or less, ensures that male role models are almost absent. The ones that are, recieve the cringe look from their spouses, have to do 100% of the domestic tasks + their normal work, and just take it; because fundamentally they dont know any better,since this is still a very culturally isolated country.This matriarchy comes from the Viking era, when they set sail to explore foreign countries and the woman took charge of all domestic administration and had children with the viking's slaves (which it may also be where this sexual easiness comes from, aka promiscuity...everybody tells me its easier to get a date with a girl that already has a boyfriend). It remains today, as not only the government is headed by two woman, all advertisement on tv puts the woman in the active role and the males in the passive role (its not even the metrosexuality present in american commercials, its a complete reversal of those ads from the 50's) and even walking on the street you can see that most of the times is the woman that takes the lead. Think of a neutered dog: friendly, easygoing, non-agressive but with a completely passive role on his environment (hope im not talking out of my ass regarding dogs).One tipical advertisement from the norwegian tv:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjLtGGskha0As it is no surprise, all the countries focus is on Safety. The safety rules at work are incredibly anal (even office work), the speed limits are low and the roads are infested with speed bumps and slow drivers, there are varyous narrow paths on the roads to make cars slow down, and single lane roads where it should be at least double lane. At work there are millions of procedures for this and that minutiae, overtime limits, safety inspections every year etc ...regarding the state, there is an extended welfare network which basically make people want and stick to lower end jobs if they are comfy, that provide the $$ incentives for the astounding quantity of single motherhood and divorce, and, quoting a female police oficer from the sexual crime dpt. i recently met here, irresponsible behaviour: "people go to bars, get drunk, have sex and then on the next day say 'oops im pregnant'" (and now pay me child support)This culture is insane in its own way, as a proud and full disclosured matriarchy. I will not say that like the MGTOW guys this pattern here is the nature of female hatred on men. The way i see it, it much more like men are seen (if they are..) as irrelevant, as kind of a "either way suits me". They can be tolerated, they can be part of the family if she choses so, they can be usefull for making some extra $$, dinner and cleaning, but i see no bond, no affection. It seems like its a strictly utilitarian mindset regarding the reproduction of the species. From me that came from a culture (also insane of course, probably not dissimilar to the south of the USA) where all songs are love songs expressing the devotion between people, incluiding Fado the traditional portuguese genre that speaks of suffering and longing regarding the distance between loved ones, I feel this country is not even on planet Earth.P.S. some generalization was used, please take it as a description (personal and confirmation biased off course) of the cultural preference here. A gender bubble if you will, where everyone is conditioned from their early age to take this mentality.P.S.2. I in no way blame woman for the evils of the world; in the southern countries the simmetrical individual would be the semi-neandethal latino men that beat their wifes, cant see anything in front of them except football and talk with pride about their 'sexual adventures' with other woman, and they also drain my will to live to the same extend. :laugh: dumbasses.RegardsJoao

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One tipical advertisement from the norwegian tv:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjLtGGskha0


I don't know how anyone can watch this commercial without getting an upset stomach... I felt my heart rate go up the moment I saw the woman's facial expression. People seriously consider this funny? What's next? Chopping off a man's penis and throwing it in the waste disposal? Oh, right, they already made fun of that on TV.


I found your spy log quite interesting to read. I used to spend a lot of time around Scandinavians boys and young adults when I was a part of the gaming world. What baffled me was the rampant alcoholism that seemed perfectly normal to them. Not only that, their parents appeared to be supportive of these weekend, drink-till-you-pass-out "adventures." My sample size is rather small so I'd like to ask you if you've observed a similar trend amongst the Scandinavian youth.

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I don't understand the drive to find biological explanations for differences/no differences on average between people classified as one sex as compared to another. If a person's decisions are voluntary, then they can assert their own individual preferences, regardless of whether they have these preferences due to genes, upbringing, culture, whatever. If the goal is to find coercion, trying to predict what people would choose voluntarily and then comparing that to what we see and treating differences as proof of coercion seems a very poor approach. Even if you think it exists, how are you going to detect individual instances using this averaged data? Someone whom you predict should have a 50% chance of choosing engineering doesn't choose it; was this due to coercion or personal choice? It's like finding that a bunch of coins on average give heads only 20% of the time. Even if you flip one of them once, you will have no idea whether it's a fair coin.


Also, those videos are on YouTube if you want to jump through fewer hoops to view them:



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Hi Lians;I've been to sweden this last weekend, in stockholm, where legends say of it being the ground zero of this man-hating crap. I was surprised to say that it seemed to me that the (few) swedish woman i had the chance to talk to and observe behavior (in a restautant, for instance) seemed a lot more sensible than the Norwegians, they look more feminine and have much less of those feminazi haircuts. The guys themselves also looked more feminine, so maybe this will be the endgame and they will relax when masculinity is totally taken over..And sweden is light years ahead of norway when it comes to industrial entrepreneurial and economic development. norway is a dumb country with oil, sweden made itself through work.I think the drinking is heavy through scandinavia, as all coutries have government owned shops to sell alcohol, to limit the supply. Another thing is that they dont know how to socialize without being lightheaded (ive heard this from severall people, and i think its probably the backlash of the jante's law. The jante's law break kids self esteem when they are young, so it makes sense that they have to numb themselves in order to socialize), and they mix every drink possible in the book and are allways refilling. They dont know when to stop and being a mix, it impacts a lot harder.The magnitude of zombie-drunk people seems to be inversely proportional to the size of the cities, and the further north you go the worse it gets...but this is hearsay, take it with a grain =)Another curiosity: I was visiting a friend and talked to him about this; he said that usually its the guys who are very much concerned with being apologists and promote the feminist ideal. Woman dont care about it to the same extent. Anyway id suppose the kind of advertisement one can get away with in a certain country is a pretty good indicator of its culture, because as mentioned in FDR before +80% of consumer spending is now controlled by woman, so tv programming is made for them.Ive also stopped having lunch at work in a tables with Norwegian woman if they are 3+, in tables of 6. Because i know where the conversation will end eventually lol. Complaints about how their husbands are useless in some way. Some of my colleagues fall into this trap, and their faces during lunch are of pure misery.Anyway, ive only been there for 3 days so this is something to be taken as a "truncated frame of reference" feeling, not the truth by any means :)Take careRegardsJoao 

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