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Weird subconscious stuff ... really weird ... but real


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Stefan has occasionally alluded to the amazing capabilities of the subconscious mind and about how this could be thought of as the underlying truth that generates a "God" conception in so many people.
I have, in my life, experienced perhaps a dozen such instances. I'd like to share a couple here and maybe find out if others have had similar experiences. It seems as though the statistical calculating power of the subconscious is perhaps 1000 to 10,000 times greater than that of the conscious mind (my estimates from some decades ago) ... others have made similar estimates of its calculating power.
The "weird" stuff is of two basic types ... revelations and suppressions.
All the revelations I've experienced were about trivialities so I can share them as they were never of any consequence to me ... just terribly interesting.
The suppressions all had consequences so I can't discuss them except in general term. In a subconscious suppression, a calculation is made of a future possibility or present state and your conscious mind is actively disallowed from seeing it as it really is. For, instance, your 'ship comes in' and you fail to see it until later when you consciously realize that you've "missed the boat". These are very costly but it may be that you shouldn't have gotten on that boat for reasons known only to the subconscious. 
However, the revelations are universally cool and sometimes offer insights into other things.
Revelations (as I have experienced them) have this in common: 
1) They occur all of a sudden with no lead up ... [switch on]
2) You know something that will occur in the near future or receive knowledge about something that has occurred elsewhere that you have absolutely no direct access to.
3) It is always accompanied by an overwhelming sense of truth. It seems so true that you often wouldn't hesitate to bet your life on it. And ... this is the ONLY TIME you will ever experience that overwhelming sense of truth. I have never experienced such a sense in other things. Hence, to say it is chance is not realistic when you have a dozen or so data points all clumped up unnaturally.
4) The revelation lasts about a second or two at most ... [switch off]
5) It often has no apparent connection with what you are presently doing. It's 'out of the blue' so to speak.
A) The first one I recall was the day JFK was killed. I was in Catholic high school. Nuns told us to kneel between rows to pray for "something" (unprecedented activity).
When I found out what we were praying for, this thought hit me. "Johnson did it" ... just three words from a mind with no political thoughts at all. I was politically 'tabula rasa'. Decades later I found out that he was one of the main instigators of the assassination. Interesting but trivial. I told no one. Why bother? ;o)
B) Super Bowl XXV - Giants vs Bills. LIving in upstate New York at the time and a week or two before the game I suddenly knew with overwhelming certainty that the Giants would win the game by a score of 20 to 19. I went around telling people just that but, of course no one really cared because "it's just your prediction, I've got one too". Well it turned out just that way and when Norwood lined up for a last second field goal, I knew he would miss. 
I interpret this to mean that the outcome of major sporting events is determined by the players ahead of time (by their subconscious minds) and that others can 'read' it somehow off their faces. TV interviews is the only access I had to the players prior to the game.
C) Lastly, the weirdest real thing that ever happened to me.
    1990 summer Michigan. I was walking through a local park and came upon a women's softball game ... underhand, fast pitch, 9 players per team ... like an organized league but without uniforms. I stood in foul territory behind a four foot chain link fence a little past 3rd base.
    I was intrigued by the pitcher who was 9 months pregnant (maybe 10 months - she was absolutely huge) and I marveled at the sight thinking "How could you? Are you crazy?". She batted too and ran out a grounder to shortstop. The baby bounced unnaturally all the way down the line.
    When she went back to pitching, I knew absolutely, all of a sudden, that on the next pitch the ball would be hit and would come right to me. So, I put up my right hand to catch the ball where I knew it was going to come. Then ... after I had put up my hand ... she threw her fast underhand pitch and the batter hit a looping line drive curving foul directly to me into my waiting hand. There was never any eye contact between me, the pitcher, the batter or catcher. As far as I knew they did not notice me at all. I was perhaps 50 feet from the pitcher and 75 or more feet from the batter.
    But ... there was a hitch. I had to move my hand about 8 inches higher and a little to the right to actually get it. So, I reasoned that this could not be some sort of clairvoyance (premonition) else the ball should come directly to my hand without adjustment.
    Reasoning further afterward that this must be a case of subconscious calculation, I realized that I was very surprised that the ball was "fuzzy". If you play any softball you know that new balls are smooth and old used ones get pretty fuzzy. These women (who didn't have uniforms) used their balls fuzzy ... Please, no jokes here ;o) 
    But ... it was optically impossible for me to discern this fuzziness from the distance I was at. I therefore supposed that ... I had (subconsciously) assumed smooth. So when the bat struck the ball it had better traction and gave it lots of extra spin. The spin imparted was easily sufficient and in the right direction (based on the physics) to account for the extra curvature and height. And hence, that I was surprised that it spun so much.
    With one smooth motion, I threw the "mystic" ball back to the pitcher and left for home.
    Even accounting for subconscious calculation, I still don't really understand how this was possible. How could I predict the integrated actions of the pitcher (who had to pitch the ball good enough to hit and could not see me) and the batter (perhaps she saw me and aimed subconsciously for my hand ... but then how did I "know" her disposition beforehand?) ??  I'm pretty much stumped on this one.
    When you discuss things of this nature with scientists they just roll everything up in a ball called chance. It doesn't comport with their limited world view which is that the conscious mind is the font of everything rational. They take no account of other operations of the mind.
    Because I am aware of all this, it must be incorporated into my worldview. So, in the past 5 to7 years, I've revisited the concept of God to see if I could invent one ... consistent with the my personal 'known' facts of the subconscious. This "God" would be a developing mind connected with the human race and decidedly finite ... very much larger than the individual ... but decidedly finite ... with goals fairly similar to ours. I developed the logic and mechanics myself.
    I invite you to take a look and see what you think of my "model".
   Thanks for your attention ... and ... if you have had similar experiences ... please let me know here. There must be others ...
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Interesting, but I'm going to tread lightly here... I got my butt handed to me as I'm really not versed enough in spirituality to coherently make arguments... :)


I believe there is a collective unconsciousness that interconnects us to some degree. It's out there thinking but science is coming around to explaining it, quantum entanglement, holographic universe and all that. Speaking to your #1, there is a phenomenon were multiple people who have no connection with each other have developed the same ideas at the same time - it's the concept of multiples. Calculus, the telegraph, the telephone, fertilization of the egg with sperm, and many more. It could be coincidence but I believe a collective unconsciousness would be a simpler explanation given that it is theoretically possible. 


Once I have enough time to really devote I need to go through my spiritual believes and see what is valid and what's not. I don't believe in religion or a Charlton Heston image of god, but I do believe we are connected and that there are as of yet undiscovered concepts that are currently described in religious texts, etc. 

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