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Reply with quote and cut and paste don't work.


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Do you have any script blocking options for IE11? If you're willing to sacrifice source name in the quote header, blocking scripts for this site will give you a sort of plain code quote that can be copy and pasted.
I tried to make a demonstration, but it preserved the author header. So perhaps I'm referring to a drawback that has since been corrected. Anyways, if you block scripts, you'll get a plain code quote that you can copy and paste.
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As I recall, there's no real workaround from the user's end except to work in bbcode...

Which in the long run is preferable to all the tedium of the styled editor. It's a breeze to quote multiple people and trim quotes in unstyled (BBCode) mode.
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I thought about using chrome.. But I have everything set the way I like it in IE... <sigh> 


as far as script blocking goes, I can put the website into the untrusted zone and that will prevent it from displaying anything more than basic html.



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I thought about using chrome.. But I have everything set the way I like it in IE... <sigh> 


I can relate to this a great deal. How do you know that you wouldn't be able to recreate the experience in Chrome? When I made the switch to Chrome, most of the differences I noticed (coming from Firefox), I either grew to enjoy or was able to counteract by way of extensions.

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