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A couple of gems for those who don't have time or patience but would like a quick laugh.




"The value of a bitcoin isn't based on a currency you know, such as the dollar or euro. But you buy bitcoins by transferring real money to a person or an exchange."


"Regulators across the country are warning investors about the volatility of bitcoins both as a currency and investment."


(MtGox closing) "Therein lies the problem. The company doesn't have to answer to any authority or regulator, so it can't be made to tell folks what's happening with their money."


A testament to 12 years of public schooling + 4 years of college.

"In fact, digital currency made the North American Securities Administrators Association's list of new investor threats. “The value of bitcoins and other digital currencies is highly volatile and the concept behind the currency is difficult to understand even for sophisticated financial experts,” NASAA said in its alert.



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