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Circumcision is Big Business

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I have never heard of this layer of MGM. I've always just heard the dubious health benefits and ritual aspect of it, along with the trauma it causes. This is extremely shocking, because it seems a far more compelling explanation for the pervasiveness of it: little baby foreskins are like free gold they fucking get paid to collect. This is a much more powerful thing to mention to anyone who's considering inflicting it on their child.

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The linked puff piece links to a more formal article with some claims about health benefits of foreskin cutting. I don't have the stomach to read hard-core defenses of such barbarism so I can't comment. I wonder whether it would be like arguing for the health benefits of removing all a child's teeth in a land where dental hygiene is unknown and people with teeth are considered to look funny and everyone is perfectly fine with having no teeth since they probably wouldn't like teeth that much anyway really.

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Ah Prairie just can't beat universalism,


Can you imagine the conversation?


Dentist: 'Well Mrs Smith little bobby seems to have a cavity would you like me to book him in for a filling' 

Mrs Smith: 'I don't know, I've herd fillings can come out and it could get an infection behind it, could you

just pull it out, I mean it's only a milk tooth anyway'.




Doctor: 'That splinter in Bobby's finger seems to have caused a minor infection, nothing a dose of antibiotic wont clear'

Mrs Smith: 'No antibiotics they're against my religion, can't you just amputate, it's only the last digit of his pinkie,

it's not like he's going to miss it, I mean what use is it? just another fingernail to clean and trim if you ask me. 






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