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"Enhanced Punishment"


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I just read “Enhanced punishment: can technology make life sentences longer?” by Rebecca Roache.It's a perfect example of forward-thinking scientists letting their stupid, apish natures keep them in the past.  Instead of discussing how peaceful parenting might breed a generation that finds violence incomprehensible, the writer instead assumes that we'll be punishing and imprisoning people for the rest of history — and so we should turn peaceful options for enlightenment and life extension into tools of inhumane cruelty, just to be sure that future punishments have enough of that good ol' satisfying “crunch” that tickles the sadist ape-mind so wonderfully.With a single article, this person has not only dashed my hopes for the peaceful, non-coercive, near-utopia that could await us, but also tipped off the “powers that be” to the perfect method for continuing the status quo: domination through threats and tortures forever more.By necessity, I leave this to more eloquent speakers (and cooler heads).  Please do what you can to nip this perversity in the bud before it gets accepted into the unthinking public consciousness as another “good idea”.(Thanks to The Corbett Report for putting me onto this.) 

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I am curious as to whether you think I'm reading too much into it.  Giving statists the ability to imprison someone for a thousand years, artificially keeping the person alive just to live out the sentence?  That it's even discussed as an option, I can't help but think back to the Wikipedia syopsis I read about a story called "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream".

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Oh, I agree that the technologies involved are amazing.  Provided we don't find there's some inexplicable "quantum" phenomenon preventing us from uploading our minds, there's a good chance that some of us today could end up living forever.  But my post was meant to criticize the perversion of such technology for the purposes of harming one another, and how we must first learn why we react in certain ways before we can choose to put such bestial behavior behind us.  No opinions on that aspect of it?

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i figure the technology could be used to heal and for rehab, rather than punishment per say,


punishment is something humans have done after crimes as part of a criminal system, so using technology, both the crime in the first place can be worked out, and a better justice system.

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I saw this article a few days ago, I think.  I found it frightening.


H/e we can't even get an electrode on the surface of the brain, without the immune system degrading it.  I'm almost certain I will live and die without seeing anything like this technology.

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