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Hi there. Regarding when you said we should praise cops when they're virtuous, I was wondering what that would look like. The very institution of police accepts the claim that people can be fundamentally different in a way that some can rule, some can be ruled, and some can enforce the rulers upon the ruled. Any cop you see, no matter how well-intentioned, has accepted this anti-virtuous position. Would you agree?


To be clear, I'm a private investigator who has worked with police a number of times. I've also had some major run-ins with them outside of a professional capacity. A tip I would give to your friend is that there is literally nothing to be gained from arguing with police in the moment. Once they've made the decision to take them down, nothing you could do or say would help this. Also, I don't think studying police is a good way to learn how to be a private investigator, even though PI is a vague classification.


It's exciting to see a young person such as yourself finding value in property rights (NAP). I hope you'll continue to explore how this translates into our daily lives. For example, you mentioned our tax dollars paying for police and an expectation for efficiency due to this. However, tax dollars are stolen monies, a violation of property rights. Empirically, coercion is inherently very inefficient. What do you think about this?

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