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A few weeks ago, I posted a thread with some early ideas as to how we could foster art creation in the FDR community. If anyone would like to see some of the early ideas and support we had for it, you can look at this thread: http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/38991-fdr-artists/


Since then, the idea has progressed several stages and the current idea is to create a new site that can house FDR member's artistic creations.


We have drawn up our concept and created a list of what needs to get done. There are many things on the list we need to get this accomplished in order for this project to succeed. You may be able to help with one or many of them.


If you have any interest in helping out on the project, then feel free to put a response in this post or send me a message. I would like it if your post or message contained what some of your skills were that might be helpful and a google mail address so I can include you in on the shared documents.


It could be web design, graphic design, marketing help, and several other things. Even if you don't have any of these specific skills, there may be some grunt work or generic feedback you could provide as different stages are completed and we look for feedback on the design or the usability.


Thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide and I look forward to hearing from you!



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