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9yr old girl suspended for shaved head


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http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/03/25/girl-barred-from-school-for-shaving-her-head-to-support-friend-with-cancer/You must conform! So a 9yr old girl shaves her head to support a friend with cancer and the school prohibits her from attending without a wig. Dress code is for safety after all don't ya know? So many insane people who have no idea the harm they are doing simply following the rules. Every student in that school should shave their heads and stand out front till those responsible are held accountable.
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cobra - The school did her a favor, by cutting her loose of that statist indocrination hell-hole.  Hopefully, her family or guardians can find a better way to educate their child than through the state and it's conformity-mill operations.


wuzzums - your link did not work

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I think the answer is never.  They will never realize they are living in a fascist society.  Not even when everyone has been issued a rat face cage.  The input of information will have no effect on the output of their thoughts.


It's frustrating because you can't even convince people to recognize evil, nevermind trying to resist it.  You don't have to break the law in order to think the law is wrong and evil.  You don't have to go to jail if you accept the fact that taxation is theft.  We ask people to make the smallest baby step in their thinking and it still doesn't work.  That's why I think so many people will not change their minds even when the boot is mashing their face.  Gee, I guess it was just One Bad Apple that's stomping me to death.

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...It's frustrating because you can't even convince people to recognize evil, never mind trying to resist it......  We ask people to make the smallest baby step in their thinking and it still doesn't work.  

Applied to various topics, these words REALLY stand out.  I feel like I could say "Hey your foot is on fire!" and offer a bucket of water, and the reply would be "You can't tell me anything!" while clouded in smoke.


I'm not a parent, but I have the creepy feeling that for some long time, basic critical thinking skills are not taught.  I feel like I'm in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  Yesterday, I discovered that my tax accountant is NOT a pod person and actually listens.  I can't tell you how much I'm relieved.

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