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I like metal bands who can utilize clean vocals instead of that growly screamy sound that makes it sound like they're puking over their mic--and metal bands who don't take themselves too seriously as to make a goofy music video like this one. Plus the lyrics are empowering!



Just glad to see someone has found a good use of the Harp for the entirety of their music as opposed for interlude melodies. Plus sitar and great vocals!



And as a bonus, why not a song about friendship? Didn't like the movie as much, but the ending credits song remixed into a heavier and meloncholy beat does well for the vocals and lyrics.

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Here's some contemporary David Wise (also Kenji Yamamoto). There's a great rendition of Stickerbrush Symphony from DKC2 at about 3:30.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFIQI1yT838


Oh dude that's awesome! Glad to see David Wise still composes. That tune lead me to this one:



He still has a bit of the chill vibe he had in the original series. Don't know if it's just nostalgia but I feel these new tracks are good, just not as great as the original DKC.

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Oh dude that's awesome! Glad to see David Wise still composes. That tune lead me to this one:





He still has a bit of the chill vibe he had in the original series. Don't know if it's just nostalgia but I feel these new tracks are good, just not as great as the original DKC.

That seems to be the case for the modern gaming industry in general, scores are becoming increasingly cinematic/atmospheric due to advances in technology, it tends to sacrifice some of that old-school catchiness where the focus was predominantly melody.There's also that slight issue where someone's creativity goes downhill after about 15 years of active professional work. They are technically masterful, but begin to lose inspiration.It could also be the case that ~15 years experience - both success and failure - lends itself to a solid understanding of your audience's expectations so artists (plus other dependent parties) become averse to the risk-taking necessary for innovation, i.e. there's more at stake and you're already well aware of what has been proven to sell in the past.

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Yeah you're right. I do notice that about bands that have been around for a long time too. People always say their earlier stuff was better, and I don't think it has anything to do with the nostalgia of having heard that stuff first.


Case in point Barry White when I was really into his music. The stuff he produced in the 80's and 90's was okay, but very simplified. His earlier stuff with more orchestral composition and the raw way he sang early on was much better than the "refined" version of his music. He add libbed more in his earlier stuff with wailing loudly with passion than his more confined and structured music.


It's when an artist is first coming out do they put all their creative energy into masterfully crafting their music because they have all the time in the world to play around until fans start to expect things of them. Also Korn is a good example. When they first came out they were great and the emotion was raw, but nowadays it feels like there hasn't been a progression in lyrical content. Instrumentally they've kind of opted for more conventional structures and whatever sounds good in the mainstream like their dubsteppy album. And lyrically it's like...has Jonathan Davis gotten any happier about his life yet?

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Thanks to the creator of this topic (he had the song below on his profile) I listen to suicide sheeep playlist - http://youtu.be/WNDtb9ecWEs?list=PLorG9VRQ_c6U9oR_tf-f7omjv-5MlrZpO


This was the song (that was on Robert Rak profile) that got me listening to this style of music it really sung true to me:


So cheers Robert for unintentionally showing me this music I really enjoy it and listen to it regularly helps me relax  :thanks: . Especially this one:


Its perhaps not true to what the artists was trying to get a across but the whole "don't you worry about it, give yourself some rest, let me worry about it" helps me as I have a tendency to worry about things too much (even things that are very unlikely to happen) it's something I am working on with my therapist. 

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This song affects me a bit.

NIGHTWISH IS MY FAVORITE BAND!!! haha seriously Tuomas Holopainen's work in that band is truly incredible. They are one of the first bands I ever discovered myself and its a band Ive always come back to. When i saw them live I cried 3 times haha.




This is one of my favorite songs by them. Its very emotional and if you read into the lyrics, I think it says alot about the songwriter.





Musically my main interest is underground, old school 80's metal. I am a huge nerd when it comes to metal.


Here is a band that ive been getting into alot recently. They are Sabbat from japan. They are a great example of a band who stick to the old ways of metal and have an amazing old school sound. This song sounds like it came out in 1982 but it was actually recorded in 2011. Amazing.

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So cheers Robert for unintentionally showing me this music I really enjoy it and listen to it regularly helps me relax  :thanks: . Especially this one:


Can't believe I missed this response... glad you enjoyed it man! I really loved that Jack Garratt song as well so I'm glad you linked it, it brings me feelings of joy and has me thinking everything will be ok. As you say it's not necessarily a message to live by but there's nothing wrong with getting a feeling of relief from a piece of beautiful music. Thanks for the feedback :)

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