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An Austrian political satire music video that picks up the metaphor of a human/animal farm. This video contains some blood  and graphical violence.


“The song is primarily concerned with the phenomenon that even in modern industrialised countries a large proportion of the population is longing for a strong leadership (see the "Mutti" ("mother Merkel") in Germany , or Obama in the US or even Putin in Russia). This scares us and is what we rise up against!” 


"Where is the difference between, dictatorship - democracy? 

The name is different, but the content is almost the same."


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Is that from something? A tv show? Sounds familiar.



Sorry, I don't think that it is from a TV show, at least I am not aware of one that would play this song :). I just found this song on YouTube accidentally ^^. Sorry, that I am not much of a help in this situation, haha.

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I like this song, I think its a warning to the grunts that they are just tools of the most evil people, or evil themselves.
"...It's Heavy when we look into that open void... "
The void is not empty, its heavy, thus gravity, thus mass, though dark, life is a deep ocean maybe even a black hole, that can swallow you if you let it. Its not easy to explore and navigate but its imperative to do so.
" but animals don't think of it at all "
Animals are less conscious without choice, people are less conscious deliberately. By the time your boot hits the sand, if you are not pondering the moral consequences of your choices and behavior then your heart is already dead. You are a shell of a human, an animal. This does not mean that all imperial soldiers are animals, just the ones that are not haunted by their position in life and society.
" ...Games over losers, I have all the money... "
Business, wealth, trade, capitalism is the real Game. Its a game because its not doing virtue, or vice necessarily but it is how you survive and thrive in society without doing evil, it is necessary to having the choice to do virtue or vice on larger scales. The soldiers were manipulated into not playing the real game and instead enabling the vicious to win it instead.
There are also some sexual themes later in the song that I imagine are about the Irony of the Mr.tough guy soldiers { supposed Alphas } being the Betas to their political and social masters.
"...that's right, just suck it off..."
My thanks and appreciation to those that were in the military who had the fortitude to look into the void and come out alive, and change their circumstances. Most notably be ending their "service".


I keep find great stuff in this song;

" We are young and we have fun
And all we've found in being around
Is 'all in all' and 'Holy Cows'
While things keep getting heavy! "

on average the youth are less corrupted that the old, and listening to the supposed authorities of the time all they get is " all in all ", which is not an argument and " holy cows " which is woo woo. " While things keep getting heavy ", while the conditions of their world keep getting worse and harder to bare. 

their solution is :

" Hang on till the winner comes "

let the warmongers kill each other, and 

" hang on to your man and hang on to your woman "

focus on your relationships, especially your primary.

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Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid sung by the guy who wrote it: Howard Ashman.


I enjoy his vocal performance, especially certain flourishes.  The lyrics are remarkably well done, evil promises you love / wealth for the cost of losing your voice and them owning you for life all under the guise of being a benevolent force whom occasionally makes mistakes.

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Great song about the struggles of falling in lust:


Seems like you already know
I'd love to have your name and a moment alone.
You whisper that you'd have no other way.
So I take you by your waist and head for the door.
But then you stop and look me up and down as if to say:
"Boy you better prepare yourself, for your legs are gonna shake."
And I was all but clay within your hands.
You had me line and sinker, hopeless in romance.

I felt your current pull me under, but you held your hand out. 
Now you're the only one who knows my future.
Lift me up, or let me drown...

Miss Erray, you won't get the best of me.
You drop them a line, they take the bait, and I will not make that same mistake.
Oh Miss Erray, you know just how to make me stay.
When I finally get ahead, I fall right back in your bed.

Is that really how you make it up to me?
With a little more fire, a little more love between the sheets.
(Hey! Hey!) Well, I will never be the sad and lonesome creep

who gets off from the awkward pause that only break up sex can bring.

Just one more to remember...
And one more just for fun...
Baby give me one more for forever, so I can fill this filthy void until the next one.

Miss Erray, you won't get the best of me.
You drop them a line, they take the bait, and I will not make that same mistake.
Oh Miss Erray, you know just how to make me stay.
When I finally get ahead, I fall right back in your bed.

You play the game so well, but what's your game plan when time spoils those goods you sell?

Miss Erray, you've gotten the best of me.
But I am not afraid to take back all that you took from me.
Oh Miss Erray, you can no longer make me stay.
'Cause I've found myself again, a new place to lay my head.
So how you gonna make it up to me? (Hey! Hey!)

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"Comfortably Numb"


Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home?

Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well, I can ease your pain
And get you on your feet again

I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb

I have become comfortably numb

Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on, it's time to go.

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb.

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No where near by favorite song by this band, but the lyrics of this one are hitting me hard right now.

Cloud Cult - Sleepwalker

We are your conscience.

We thought we'd tell you,
you've been sleepwalking
through most of your days.

Your eyes are open,
Your body's moving,
Your lips are speaking,
But you're far from awake.

Where is your passion?
Where is your wonder?
Where is your thankfulness?
You put them away.

Times come to get up,
before you break down.
I know you're on it.


Where is your kid side?
Where is your joyfulness?
Where is your empathy?
Fast asleep.

Where went your moments?
Where went your presence?
Where went your purpose?
Fast asleep.

Times come to get up,

before you break down.
I know you're on it.

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