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Bait-and-Switch Question About Future Podcast About Female Lying.

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Do you think it would be productive to issue two separate podcasts: the first of which states the information about female lying with the word "men" replacing "women", the second of which says, "Oh man!  I can't believe we screwed up like this, but when we said 'men' in our first podcast, we really meant 'women'?"


This would be a simple bait-and-switch designed to provoke a series of "Those evil men!" responses, only to reveal that the truth is that women were being discussed the whole time. 

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I think the idea you propose is OK, as long as the show's description does not lead people to believe that it provides answers it doesn't.  At best, the tactic uses sarcasm to get people thinking, though perhaps at the expense of giving FDR a reputation as being a hit-or-miss source of information; at worst, it unrepentantly wastes people's time when they're looking for genuine advice.

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