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Is it possible to make a living like Tyler Durden?

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My number 2 priority in life is to move out and make a living on my own. 

My environment and living situation is so complex and horrible I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. 

I  don't really want to get into it, i have called in before i talked a bit of some of the problems i have. 





Is it possible to make a living like Tyler from "Fight Club" the movie. 

He uses his knowledge of how shallow society is to make money. 

In particular he sold women expensive soap that he made from stealing the fat out the trash bins from liposuction


He said Im selling these women their own fat asses. 




Obviously i don't want to do the exactly same thing but sometimes i wonder why I can't use my knowledge and or ideas 

about society to make money. I can't understand why i haven't figured it out yet. Im a free market person, I'm into psychology and philosophy.

One of my main goals in life is to move out ! 

For know my main goal is to finish school, because when i move out i want to have some sort of stability 

i don't want to get a crappy job and have to beg to come back to my parents home. I want to make sure 

i do it right. 


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There are already people who live how you describe Tyler Durden to live.Almost the entire Hollywood subculture I would submit exists because of the shallow escapism and projections it provides.If you really want to make a living in a creative way, revolving around supplying the demand that shallow people offer- then I'm sure you've already looked into some ideas.Plastic surgery maybe? Are you a chemistry guy? Could you invent a new way to create hairspray, or perhaps fragrances? The cosmetics industry is huge and the mark-up from raw materials to the final product is insane. Perhaps provide a local, cheaper alternative for consumers than the Walgreen's and CVS's out there?Maybe create your own alcohol brand?Own a strip club?


Create a social website for people who just want to boink? Those apps and websites are already on the rise.


Find something interesting and look into it, there are limitless ideas for making money, and not just around human depravity and shallow tendacies. 

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There are already people who live how you describe Tyler Durden to live.Almost the entire Hollywood subculture I would submit exists because of the shallow escapism and projections it provides.If you really want to make a living in a creative way, revolving around supplying the demand that shallow people offer- then I'm sure you've already looked into some ideas.Plastic surgery maybe? Are you a chemistry guy? Could you invent a new way to create hairspray, or perhaps fragrances? The cosmetics industry is huge and the mark-up from raw materials to the final product is insane. Perhaps provide a local, cheaper alternative for consumers than the Walgreen's and CVS's out there?Maybe create your own alcohol brand?Own a strip club?


Create a social website for people who just want to boink? Those apps and websites are already on the rise.


Find something interesting and look into it, there are limitless ideas for making money, and not just around human depravity and shallow tendacies. 



I don't think the shallowness part was my main point.I like how tyler used his knowledge to make a living in that case it was his knowledge about women's shallowness. 

But in general how to make money outside the system.


I use to sell stuff on ebay and amazon, i think i actually made about 1000 doing that for a while.

But i ran out of things to sell.


Although that was some good money i couldn't keep it up, in order to make a living out of that.  



Thanks for your reply 

                                            Additional details


Things Im doing or have done in the past. 


1.)I make youtube videos on my fee time, i don't really have the personality yet to make a substantial amount of money on there. 


2.) I have sold things on ebay, and amazon, Once i found a big roll of disney fabric and sold pieces of it on ebay for a profit. I also sold electronics, games, and cloths. I made allot of money but I eventually ran out of things to sell. 


3.) I have had some jobs in the past, part time minimum wage jobs. I couldn't really make a living on those jobs. 


4.) Im currently learning a new computer language to eventually make iPhone apps / games . I need tons of free time to speed up the process. 

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I almost worked for a company that found antiques and re-sold them on Etsy. They could do it because the gal who ran it knew a ton about antiques and knew what she could charge, and what kind of markup. She needed a source of antiques, which she found with people who were moving and getting rid of a lot of their stuff. She learned a lot about it and figured out the science of it all, who the big names were, how to tell knock-offs and other relevant skills. And Etsy makes it easy to have an online store, so in combining these three elements, she was able to make a growing business out of it.


What is something you know a lot about? How can you learn more about it?

What kind of source or connection would you need to make in order to gain access to what you're knowledgeable of?

How can you market it to people?


In accepting bitcoin, you can get paid anonymously (tax-free) for almost any service you can do online, and being that you are part of a larger community of liberty and bitcoin minded people, it could help you to market yourself.


What can you see yourself spending a ton of your time, emotional and financial investments in? Because whatever it is, you are likely going to have to spend a whole lot of time developing the skills and connections in order to achieve your ends. If you can do what you love, you never have to work another day in your life, right?

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I almost worked for a company that found antiques and re-sold them on Etsy. They could do it because the gal who ran it knew a ton about antiques and knew what she could charge, and what kind of markup. She needed a source of antiques, which she found with people who were moving and getting rid of a lot of their stuff. She learned a lot about it and figured out the science of it all, who the big names were, how to tell knock-offs and other relevant skills. And Etsy makes it easy to have an online store, so in combining these three elements, she was able to make a growing business out of it.


What is something you know a lot about? How can you learn more about it?

What kind of source or connection would you need to make in order to gain access to what you're knowledgeable of?

How can you market it to people?


In accepting bitcoin, you can get paid anonymously (tax-free) for almost any service you can do online, and being that you are part of a larger community of liberty and bitcoin minded people, it could help you to market yourself.


What can you see yourself spending a ton of your time, emotional and financial investments in? Because whatever it is, you are likely going to have to spend a whole lot of time developing the skills and connections in order to achieve your ends. If you can do what you love, you never have to work another day in your life, right?




Great Reply. 


All those are questions i can't answer at the moment but something i will definitely think about !

I liked when i sold stuff on ebay but i have to figure out how and where to get a steady supply of "stuff" to sell. 


I felt like you really understood what i was asking thanks again  :) 

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Fuck yeah. You can, and you should.


The key is to live on passion instead of planning.


You want to sell stuff on ebay and you're good at it, great! It's especially great because the only thing you need is stuff, and it just so happens to be that stuff is about the most common commodity that one can find in this modern world we live in. So this is what I would do:


Go around your neighborhood, ring people's doorbell, tell them that you are a professional reseller, and ask them if they have any objects in their home that they don't use and would be interested in selling. Everyone has stuff that they no longer use. Maybe offer them some suggestions that they wouldn't think of themselves. And if they say yes, ask them if you can check it out, and if you think it's valuable offer to buy it from them on the spot. Then go home, put it on ebay, and make a profit.


You can do the same thing with companies. Lots of companies have storage boxes full of stuff that they no longer use but simply haven't bothered to sell.


You will have to try it out to see what works best of course. But it's an actionable plan that you can start with today, and once you get started your experience and expertise will grow, which in turn will lead to more ideas to try out.

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from the man himself



Fuck yeah. You can, and you should.


The key is to live on passion instead of planning.


You want to sell stuff on ebay and you're good at it, great! It's especially great because the only thing you need is stuff, and it just so happens to be that stuff is about the most common commodity that one can find in this modern world we live in. So this is what I would do:


Go around your neighborhood, ring people's doorbell, tell them that you are a professional reseller, and ask them if they have any objects in their home that they don't use and would be interested in selling. Everyone has stuff that they no longer use. Maybe offer them some suggestions that they wouldn't think of themselves. And if they say yes, ask them if you can check it out, and if you think it's valuable offer to buy it from them on the spot. Then go home, put it on ebay, and make a profit.


You can do the same thing with companies. Lots of companies have storage boxes full of stuff that they no longer use but simply haven't bothered to sell.


You will have to try it out to see what works best of course. But it's an actionable plan that you can start with today, and once you get started your experience and expertise will grow, which in turn will lead to more ideas to try out.

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Transactional work (e.g., being the intermediary in eBay sales) is fine work, and can earn you money, but it's all in the efficiency.  If finding ways to push efficiency to the limit is not your thing, then I'd look for other opportunities.  Or, you have to be in an area where they lock out the competition, like real estate.  (No, thanks.)


Manufacturing is awesome, but you have to recognize that just about everything is made in computer-operated factories now.  The production process is so advanced, even compared to 10 years ago, that the per-unit production cost of a lot of ordinary commodity goods is close to zero.  The FAR greater cost and challenge is in the marketing and distribution. 


Even if you want to make something as simple as soap, start thinking right away about automation, even if you are producing on a small scale.  You have to think about linear (flow) production methods instead of batch production, even if it's just something you make at home for now. 


Tim Ferris has a book out about it -- the Four Hour Work Week.  He describes how a ton of ordinary business operations can be outsourced. 


Remember, Fight Club was dystopic psychological fiction (no offense to our illustrious Mr. Durden here on FDR).  Climbing a security fence to steal liposuction biohazard waste is not exactly a business plan. You need a reliable source of materials, even if all you're making is moonshine whiskey.


Remember, it's all about the Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.  Look around for the things people respond to when offered, and then craft a product to fit that desire. 

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Why do you want to pander to people's dysfunctions? When I read your post, it looks like you're brushing off feelings of anger towards your parents, and directing them towards the rest of the world. I sympathize, when I'm angry at my parents, before I process it, my first impulse is to fantasize about becoming a sociopath, like a dictator, or a socialist politician, or a too-big-to-fail bankster, or Jack Bauer :-)


You say that your environment is horrible and complex (what does "complex" mean in this context?) but you never talk about your feelings, you just mention that you've talked about it before, which confuses me, because if you include it in your post, it's relevant to what you're going to talk about next.

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Why do you want to pander to people's dysfunctions? 


I don't want to do that. 

My point of using tyler D from fight club was to show how he used his knowledge to make money. In a creative way.

I mentioned some of the things i have done in the past like , selling stuff on the internet, working part time, making youtube videos but 

none have gave me the chance to move out.. 

I guess the tyler D was a bad example but thats how i started thinking about this topic 



Here are some post where I do talk about my life. I have plenty more. 






Transactional work (e.g., being the intermediary in eBay sales) is fine work, and can earn you money, but it's all in the efficiency.  If finding ways to push efficiency to the limit is not your thing, then I'd look for other opportunities.  Or, you have to be in an area where they lock out the competition, like real estate.  (No, thanks.)


Manufacturing is awesome, but you have to recognize that just about everything is made in computer-operated factories now.  The production process is so advanced, even compared to 10 years ago, that the per-unit production cost of a lot of ordinary commodity goods is close to zero.  The FAR greater cost and challenge is in the marketing and distribution. 


Even if you want to make something as simple as soap, start thinking right away about automation, even if you are producing on a small scale.  You have to think about linear (flow) production methods instead of batch production, even if it's just something you make at home for now. 


Tim Ferris has a book out about it -- the Four Hour Work Week.  He describes how a ton of ordinary business operations can be outsourced. 


Remember, Fight Club was dystopic psychological fiction (no offense to our illustrious Mr. Durden here on FDR).  Climbing a security fence to steal liposuction biohazard waste is not exactly a business plan. You need a reliable source of materials, even if all you're making is moonshine whiskey.


Remember, it's all about the Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.  Look around for the things people respond to when offered, and then craft a product to fit that desire. 



Yeah i thinking i have to make selling stuff on ebay more profitable and find a steady source of goods 


Fuck yeah. You can, and you should.


The key is to live on passion instead of planning.


You want to sell stuff on ebay and you're good at it, great! It's especially great because the only thing you need is stuff, and it just so happens to be that stuff is about the most common commodity that one can find in this modern world we live in. So this is what I would do:


Go around your neighborhood, ring people's doorbell, tell them that you are a professional reseller, and ask them if they have any objects in their home that they don't use and would be interested in selling. Everyone has stuff that they no longer use. Maybe offer them some suggestions that they wouldn't think of themselves. And if they say yes, ask them if you can check it out, and if you think it's valuable offer to buy it from them on the spot. Then go home, put it on ebay, and make a profit.


You can do the same thing with companies. Lots of companies have storage boxes full of stuff that they no longer use but simply haven't bothered to sell.


You will have to try it out to see what works best of course. But it's an actionable plan that you can start with today, and once you get started your experience and expertise will grow, which in turn will lead to more ideas to try out.



Hahah thats great all i need is stuff ! well I'm in luck ! 


thanks tyler 

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I think that taking baby steps, so as not to provoke feelings of futility and self attack, has been very helpful for me. So, instead of trying to answer big questions like 'what do I want to do with my life?' you can start with 'what do I want to do in the next twenty minutes?' And just trust your instincts. I think self trust is something that would be more valuable to you now than knowing how to sell. Maybe you already have this down pat, if so, please ignore what I'm saying here. 

Perhaps this podcast will be helpful.http://cdn.media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_973_Your_Next_20_Minutes.mp3Also, when you ask yourself  sometimes i wonder why I can't use my knowledge and or ideas 

about society to make money. I can't understand why i haven't figured it out yet.

I would encourage you to not look at yourself as if you are isolated. We can only be as large as the people around us let us be and if you live with parents who are abusive, who do not celebrate your mind and encourage your growth, or who are just boring, then your capacity to figure these things out is going to be severely diminished. And that's not your fault.In my experience, I have grown more in the past 3 months and tried more new things than I have in the whole year of 2012 and 2013. These are things such as writing music, writing articles, journaling more, learning html, recording my thoughts on video to getting prepared for youtube,.What's difference? I don't have negative relationships in my life, whereas before I was was living with my parents or hanging with people who didn't respect me. Now, I live all alone, I work at a minimum wage job, I make about 800 dollars a month, even so I worry a whole lot less about what my future because I've gained self trust. I do feel panic from time to time, but at least now I am in a position where it's not unbearable to me. When you are in an environment where you are feeling pain from being attacked and feeling anxious about being abused, it becomes very difficult to process additional stress like panic about the future. In conclusion, I would say it's not all your fault that you haven't figured this out. If you had parents to guide you into your passion who modeled how to achieve financial success and happiness or if you weren't trained to be a brain dead tax cattle for years in public school, you would have figured this stuff out when you were 14. You probably have not been trained think or been shown how to think make these decisions. I would find an environment that's conducive to growth and healing before figuring out how to sell stuff. A crappy job free from a horrible environment is better than no job, and financial security in a horrible environment, in my opinion.What made it hard for me to move out was that I projected in my imagination how I felt living at home into the future, so I added the stress of a crappy job, and subtracted the comforts of financial security and the outcome looked like a net negative. Like I was just going to be adding on additional stress. However this was not true, the additional well being and happiness that came from being away from my parents was a gain that far outweighed the negatives and inconveniences of moving out and being out on my own. I hope this helps, This is just my experience. Take care. 

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I think that taking baby steps, so as not to provoke feelings of futility and self attack, has been very helpful for me. So, instead of trying to answer big questions like 'what do I want to do with my life?' you can start with 'what do I want to do in the next twenty minutes?' And just trust your instincts. I think self trust is something that would be more valuable to you now than knowing how to sell. Maybe you already have this down pat, if so, please ignore what I'm saying here. 

Perhaps this podcast will be helpful.http://cdn.media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_973_Your_Next_20_Minutes.mp3Also, when you ask yourself  sometimes i wonder why I can't use my knowledge and or ideas 

about society to make money. I can't understand why i haven't figured it out yet.

I would encourage you to not look at yourself as if you are isolated. We can only be as large as the people around us let us be and if you live with parents who are abusive, who do not celebrate your mind and encourage your growth, or who are just boring, then your capacity to figure these things out is going to be severely diminished. And that's not your fault.In my experience, I have grown more in the past 3 months and tried more new things than I have in the whole year of 2012 and 2013. These are things such as writing music, writing articles, journaling more, learning html, recording my thoughts on video to getting prepared for youtube,.What's difference? I don't have negative relationships in my life, whereas before I was was living with my parents or hanging with people who didn't respect me. Now, I live all alone, I work at a minimum wage job, I make about 800 dollars a month, even so I worry a whole lot less about what my future because I've gained self trust. I do feel panic from time to time, but at least now I am in a position where it's not unbearable to me. When you are in an environment where you are feeling pain from being attacked and feeling anxious about being abused, it becomes very difficult to process additional stress like panic about the future. In conclusion, I would say it's not all your fault that you haven't figured this out. If you had parents to guide you into your passion who modeled how to achieve financial success and happiness or if you weren't trained to be a brain dead tax cattle for years in public school, you would have figured this stuff out when you were 14. You probably have not been trained think or been shown how to think make these decisions. I would find an environment that's conducive to growth and healing before figuring out how to sell stuff. A crappy job free from a horrible environment is better than no job, and financial security in a horrible environment, in my opinion.What made it hard for me to move out was that I projected in my imagination how I felt living at home into the future, so I added the stress of a crappy job, and subtracted the comforts of financial security and the outcome looked like a net negative. Like I was just going to be adding on additional stress. However this was not true, the additional well being and happiness that came from being away from my parents was a gain that far outweighed the negatives and inconveniences of moving out and being out on my own. I hope this helps, This is just my experience. Take care. 



Thanks for the response that podcast really does help! 

I have to think about some of the things you said. 

My life needs some big changes 

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