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To raise awareness, Mos Def underwent the procedure to demonstrate what it looks like in



Fair warning: if you have an ounce of empathy, it is very hard to watch.


After watching that video, I decided I would never refuse food.

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Gives new meaning to the phrase "Breathe to please"; similar horror stories are well published in the environ of the Siberian Gulag system. While other prisoners starved slowly by the thousands, some participated in hunger strikes. In a fit of sadistic unlogic, these prisoners were force fed with tubes, much as they are now. Only the State would be allowed to decide who would live, who would die, when and why. 

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Regarding Mos Def's vid.

Nasogastric intubation is a standard medical procedure done countless times in hospitals. This is how it actually looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgfNa7dzSn0

This procedure is more of a question about taking choice away from prisoners rather than the grueling torture Mos Def likes to portray. It shouldn't be done on principle, and I seriously doubt force feeding would be the most feared punishment when you're a prisoner of the state.

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