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First Attempts At Cryptography


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I'm in the process of teaching myself how our modern computer cryptographic functions work, and also (eventually) making my own. I started looking into cryptography last July, and have been working on it on and off since then.


This thread will consist of my attempts at both recreating the current standards visually in Excel, and developing my own methods. Doing this more as a proof of concept because I am not a computer programmer by trade and such do not know how to make a truly applicable algorithm. If at some point I get extremely daring, I'll try to bring it out of excel and into an actual application.


Feedback and input is always welcomed. I can also get into the finer details of the actual Excel formula-side if requested. If unspecified I will simply give the executive summary at every relevant checkpoint.


To start the thread it will be a bit of a catch up and a learning curve, but in the followup posts I will try to more fully explain the process/terms.
Apologies if I made some mistakes in the very brief description of the algorithms and my recreations. These were completed over six months ago and I'm a little fuzzy on much of the underlying specifics that were being dealt with at the time.


Again, as a disclaimer I am not well-versed in computer programming, especially at the bit by bit level, let alone the upper-level language-level. Everything expressed here is to the best of my understanding at the time of posting. As such, if I make a mistake in defining terminology, a concept, etc please correct me otherwise I'm just throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it sticks.


Thank you,





Recreation in Excel:

The recreation starts with the white paper taken from the NIST.gov website:


The white papers provide the pseudo-code as well as the function outputs so I may check my work for accuracy.


After deciphering the pseudo-code (and looking up a lot of terms on Wikipedia that I don't understand), I attempt to recreate it in Excel. 


This process has its difficulties as Excel cannot be iterative (a cell cannot reference and write to itself) so additional cells and lines are required for the multiple cycles that these algorithms use.


Excel is also very picky with what a 1 (as a number) and 1 (as a piece of text) is. The workaround is simply to use an If/then function to specify the text as a number, and vice versa where needed.


Excel also does not have an XOR function (at least my version), and nesting the necessary AND OR functions proved fruitless. So I did a tabular addition and manually carrying the remainders to do the MOD32 additions. For the bit-wise XOR function I just did a simple if/then scenario (where if one is 1 and the other is 1, it will output 0, etc).


I tried to colorize by word (the primary color) and then the different shades of that color to help distinguish between each hexadecimal (four bit) sections. (Necessary to keep track of later during the Rubik's twists, see below). The colorization also helped keep track of where each string of the bits were originating from (especially for bit rotations, see SHA-512 spreadsheet and the Wt formulation table - teal blue with speckles of orange red and yellow).



SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm):

I started with the asymmetric compression function: SHA-1



It is basically a password encryption function. One-way, "cannot" be reversed.


Pictorially it looks something like this:




ABCDE are five separate "words" of 32 bits (1's and 0's) each in length. The <<<< are bit rotations, F is a function, the box with a cross through it are XOR (exclusive or) boolean algebra, Wt and Kt are words based on your password (input).


After working out the translational problems with Excel I got a working model of the SHA-1




Link to the full spreadsheet:https://mega.co.nz/#!44U1lZAT!VdAt8f8F9f9Zxd7a8jqkPYDgelwNLD3Cx543II_K2bs


Compare the hash values you obtain in the spreadsheet with:




SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm):

The SHA-1 is no longer as widely used as it once was mainly because it isn't as secure as it used to be. So I moved onto the SHA-2 (specifically the SHA-512 for 512 bit encryption).



The underlying algorithm looks pictorially like this:



Muuuuch more complex. This is a 512 bit (8 - 32 bit words).


Thankfully the white paper had step-by-step outputs so I could check my work. I made three or four minor mistakes that completely changed the outcome.


Picture of one cycle comparison (each color is a different Word, Blue = A, Red = B, etc)



Link to the full spreadsheet: https://mega.co.nz/#!09UBkR6D!WXl1-wohIAvaEl0RZD_vISlxgJ1NSKXr50K09U90eHQ



AES (Advanced Encryption Standard):

Onto what I'm working on now!

The AES Block Cipher is fancy way of saying "encrypting information (think file encryption) that can be reversed with the password".

The AES appears to use a combination of 128 (10 cycles), 192 (12 cycles) and 256 (14 cycles) bit encryption and applying four functions per cycle. It encrypts based on an array of bits (2D representation of the bits) instead of a string (one dimensional representation of the bits) like the SHA-512 did.
The fact this uses an array excites me as this means its proof that these encryption algorithms can be brought to three dimensions (and more!). And then all sorts of cool functions can be applied, I'll give you a hint:

Anyway, need a working AES model before getting into the Rubik's rotations, but I've already got separate spreadsheets to assign and rotate bits in a similar fashion (or at least similar block sizes, may need to adjust them to the correct bit size of the block ciphers)
The four functions of the AES are SubBytes (Byte substitution), ShiftRows (similar to a bit rotation, except for the whole row of bits), MixColumns (which I'm currently figuring out) and something called a Round Key value (unsure what this is for as of now, but I know it's based on your key/password).
Screenshot of Current Progress (4/1/2014):
Current AES Progress.png
SubBytes (COMPLETED): take a cell, and based on what the 8 bits are, substitute it with a different 8 bits (shown in hexadecimal format):
Copied from the white paper. The colorization was done to error check my typing. I did make an error, enclosed in a box. The lower right one was 93, where it should have been 9e. The columns on the right are reformatting the original table so that the VLOOKUP excel function can be utilized.
ShiftRows (COMPLETED):
Reversible XOR (Exclusive Or):
One of the really cool things I realized about the XOR function is that it's reversible by reapplying the imput. Which is why the Block Cipher works symmetrically to encrypt and decipher your files. That's the fundamental difference between this block cipher and the compression function SHA.
For example, say your (key) is "1"
If you (file) is 1 or 0
1 (key) XOR 1 (file) = 0 (output)
1 (key) XOR 0 (file) = 1 (output)
So your encyrpted (file) is either 0 if your starting was 1, and 1 if your starting was 0. Apply the key again:
1 (key) XOR 0 (output) = 1 (file)
1 (key) XOR 1 (output) = 0 (file)
Tada! Back where you started.
The SHA uses a Mod 32 summation to combine separate words. Think of Mod summation like a 12 hour face-clock. It goes from 1 to 12, then goes back to 1, and keeps going around. Mod 32 is like a clock except for 32 bits (the number itself is actually 232 where a clock is just 12). This means when you reach 232, it ticks over and starts from 0 again. If you try to undo that, you don't know if it cycled once, twice, or even at all. This is part of the reason why the compression functions are nearly impossible to crack.
This large summation happens 80 times in the SHA-512, consisting of about 10 rows of bits:
The largest remainder I've seen (how many times the specific bit cycled between 1 and 0) is nine. So the 232 "clock" looped around up to nine times per cycle, at two positions in the algorithm,and again over 80 cycles, or a total possibility of looping up to 1440 times!
Customizable Encryption Algorithms:
I had the realization one day driving home that you need two things in order to break an encryption (excluding the obvious: computer, electricity, network, etc etc...). You need the key (password) AAAND you need the algorithm in which it was encrypted. Without both, you cannot possibly hope to decipher the encrypted file. Where the Rubik's Cube "twist" comes into play (once the AES is brought to the third dimension) is the ability to scramble a block or multiple blocks beyond recognition. The rotation algorithm in which you scramble it would be user-chosen and so the encryption algorithm itself becomes customizable.

Even if you manage to steal a key (password) to access the files, without the Rubik's rotation algorithm as input, you don't have the appropriate algorithm to decipher it.
It's like finding a key on the side of the road but not knowing which lock it was intended to open.
Imagine a company having a personalized encryption algorithm proprietary to that company and their network. Talk about secure information storage!
This reminds me of what the banks and other online companies use for authentication: two really big prime numbers multiplied together. They store the product openly, but without the two prime numbers to generate the product you cannot be authenticated.


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What an unusual "first post". Welcome to the forum!


It's great that you are taking such a practical approach to self-education, and you seem to have achieved a lot already (even if you are doing it the hard way by programming with Excel).


I do, however, disagree with one of your statements:




Imagine a company having a personalized encryption algorithm proprietary to that company and their network. Talk about secure information storage!


Perhaps surprisingly, one-off encryption systems have been shown to be far less secure. Cryptography is hard, and there were many unintuitive errors discovered and corrected along the way to today's "best practises" cryptography.


It's actually harder to keep an algorithm secret than it is to keep a private key secret. The private key can be stored on a USB stick in a locked safe until needed for decryption, but the algorithm needs to be installed on the computers that are decrypting OR encrypting the data - and the developers will have a copy too (and probably several copies in their version control system and in the backups of that version control system).


Modern encryption algorithms have had hundreds of thousands of hours of scrutiny, which have exposed many errors that were subsequently fixed. Those classes of errors are widely known, and it's fairly easy to use them against new un-reviewed algorithms. Many of the attacks are not obvious to a programmer. For example, a mathematician can work out that certain operations weaken the randomness of the supposedly-random "seeds" which provide some of the security. For example, an attacker can carefully measure the CPU time needed to perform certain operations on encrypted data, to discover certain properties of the data that make it much easier to crack.


By all means create your own encryption algorithms for the intellectual satisfaction, but please don't imagine that they would be secure in the "real world".

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Thank you for the warm welcome and also for the critique. 


The forum as a whole is a bit daunting and I've not yet decided where to dip my toes into philosophy-wise. Then I came across this section and said "Hey, wonder if anyone would be interested?" Good a place as any to start.


I'm unfamiliar with the programming languages (had an intro to Visual Basic class six years ago), but I am familiar with Excel from the numerous statistics classes. It aids in my visualization (especially for the Rubik's functions) even if the Excel functions themselves are limited.


I imagine the mathematical simplifications of the algorithms you mention can be related to solving a Rubik's cube, yeah? There is something like 500 quintillion possible positions, but using some simple algorithms can bring you back to the start repeatedly. Google found that the maximum number of turns to solve the 3x3x3 is twenty. Many possible combinations, but easily solvable. I can see how a similar idea can be applied to encryption. 


When I was developing a 3D Rubik's scramble of 8 (2x2x2), 64 (4x4x4) and 512 (8x8x8) bit blocks, I found that even with a hundred random turns, in the end it could be simplified down to a single step. Start here, end here. A "glorified bit rotation", I called it. I concluded the only way the Rubik's function would prove of any usefulness would be to incorporate the idea into another algorithm like the SHA-512 and the AES. That's the primary reason for the 3D array extrapolation goal (though other array-type functions can be applied in similar fashion). Or possibly a transformation to a 3D array to scramble and then transform back to 2D for the AES.


One of the interesting things with the Rubik's rotation is that it not only moves the bits around (position ally x,y,z from their starting position), but their position in relation to their neighbors will maintain an orientation to them.

A simple right clockwise turn on an 8x8x8 through the middle layer:

Rubik&#39;s Rotations.png

I've barely scratched the surface on encryption cracks. I'm aware of them, but what they entail and how they come about are not in my realm of understanding (the high level of mathematics). I do know the NIST website has some testing programs to try and break the algorithms or at least make their weaknesses known. I plan to look into that more later down the road.
I really appreciate the reality check and I will keep that modesty in mind when dealing with cryptography in the future.
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Hey Guys,I also enjoy "randomness" and encryption, and I ironically do program, but I know much less about it than you do.Something I enjoyed and hope it is at least superficially related is this video on the Enigma machine by Numberphile.I recreated a similar idea by taking a "string" or set of words number characters that I wish to "encrypt" and I asked myself how many unique characters are there? 26 letters, punctuation, etc. and I mapped them to numbers then translated the numbers via a key like 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5 (pi per digit basically) and then took those translated numbers and remapped them back to letters.It proved difficult for my friends ( no encryption, decryption experience ) to decypher, and it also proved typical by decypher programs people have put on the internet.Regards,Chris

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My very first attempt at cryptography was inspired by the enigma machine from Numberphile. I attempted to do some of the "old-fashioned" character encryption and substitution rather than at the bit-by-bit level.


I went to the SHA-1 on the website I linked in the OP to check my hashes, typed in a character and took the output as my reference table:

Character Table.png


Then set up some weird summation column thing:



And whatever the output was, would reference back to the table and look up the correct character and output:

First Encryption Input Output.png

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