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Feminism what is the problem with it?


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People rarely attack feminism if you take the meaning of feminism to simply be equality.


What people tend to attack is radical feminism, there's a lot of extreme and divisive feminist behaviour and there's also a lot of quite frankly batshit insane feminist theories and assertions, for example: rape culture. Most of these ideas are not based in reality at all, they're based on manipulated statistics and unscientific social theory to fit to the goals of their ideology to gain more power and control for women.


Most of the time feminism is simply dismissed as nonsense but they're starting to become aggressive with their ideology where they'll go disrupt peaceful mens conferences, illegally pull fire alarms to evacuate the venue, they've phoned in death threats and threats of arson and vandalism into venues where mens rights discussions are being held. When this kind of behaviour exists we can no longer just passively dismiss feminism as simply wrong, we actively need to fight it.

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I what to know why do people attack feminism all the time, like what is wrong with it? 


I used to know, but now i have forgotten, so reminders in-depth please are welcomed


Great question!  Before I provide a response, can you please provide a definition of feminism for the purpose of analysis?  I want to make sure we're on the same page.

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Feminist Professor Pleads No Contest to Assaulting Pro-Life Teen


A feminist studies professor at University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) pleaded no contest to three misdemeanor charges of grand theft, vandalism, and battery this week after she attacked a young female pro-life protestor in March.As Breitbart News’ Warner Todd Huston reported, Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young was charged after attacking 16-year-old Thrin Short, and her 21-year-old sister, Joan, who were distributing pamphlets for the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, a nonprofit pro-life group.Miller-Young, who teaches feminist and black cultural studies courses -- which includes classes on pornography, sex work, and a specialization in “queer theory” -- reportedly confronted the young girls by loudly talking over them at first, then she ridiculed them and called them names. The professor’s behavior escalated when destroyed some of the pro-life group’s signage and physically assaulted Thrin, inflicting minor injuries on the young girl.. . .In later interviews, Miller-Young claimed she had a "moral right" to physically attack the pro-life young people, stating that she viewed herself "like" a "conscientious objector." The professor also blamed the young pro-lifers for forcing her to viciously attack them, claiming Thrin had "triggered" her.


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I what to know why do people attack feminism all the time, like what is wrong with it?


People, when they attack feminsm as a whole are provoked by some statements of self proclaimed feminists and then generalizising this statement as feminist. But feminism has a wide definition: Every Movement who proclaimes gender equality. Many fights occur between feminist like pro prostitution/ anti prostitution feminists. So the is no single exact political view that you could describe as feminist.


In regards to the NAP:


All branches but Individualist feminism advocate the violation of NAP.


Many branches hold ideas as true, which are not founded in empirisism. A common belief is that all statistical psychological differences between the sexes are created by socialisation, which you can't prove because you don't know what effects physiological differences have on the psychology.


One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.

Simone de Beauvoir

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'Slavery,' pregnancy drove California professor to accost teen pro-lifer, say defenders


Supporters of Mireille Miller-Young cite the "cultural legacy of slavery" and even the effects of pregnancy to explain why the feminist studies professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara would accost a teenager spreading a pro-life message on campus.The pregnant 38-year-old who pleaded no contest to misdemeanor counts of theft, vandalism and battery after stealing and destroying an anti-abortion poster and injuring a a16-year-old activist, says she’s sorry for some of her actions and hopes to “makes amends through community service.”
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