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Why do some people have such good ideas when they are on the toilet?


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I have been wondering that. I think it may be due to us being alone and it's kind of the safest place for most people mentally ,because you know no one is around watching you poop.(unless you are in japan. Im sorry for you gals.), because you feel safe , maybe your ideals are able to flow more freely. I remember this episode on scrubs where people went to poop on a toilet know as the epiphany toilet. 



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“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking” – Freidreich Neitzsche.
The cerebrum of the human brain is split into two hemispheres.  the left is associated with organisation, structure, logic, reason, analysis, language, facts and figures, statistics and specifics. The right hemisphere is holistic and intuitive, it relates to context, processes pictures, and is involved in synthesis rather than analysis. Thus, the right brain is the seat of our creativity.  
Arguably this is why so many great scientists and philosophers have come up with their discoveries intuitively during activities such as walking,  cooking, knitting or driving.  During these activities the mind of the individual is defocussed from the particulars of a problem. The right brain is therefore free to synthesise information, which the unconscious mind has absorbed while the left brain was focused on learning, into new hypotheses. This could have been offered as the answer to Einstein’s humorous question, “Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?”
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