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Do you know of any jobs or companies that help change social norms?


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Do you know of any jobs, occupations and/or particular companies or organizations that by doing what they're doing contribute to making the society more peaceful and free?
About me: I'm a guy, 21 years old, a student of electrical engineering. The problem is I don't really know why I'm doing it. I understand the economic aspect of studying and work but I think it would be great to get involved in something I believed in. And I believe in peace and freedom. I'd love to know my work is helping people become more free and treat each other better in some way.
My initial ideas were:
-independent media outlet
-libertarian internet radio,
-a law firm, providing legal help to non-violent offenders
-promoting peaceful parenting, working in a foundation of some kind
-smartphone apps helping people bypass state control (it's hard for me to think of anything specific, maybe something bitcoin-related ?)
can you think of more?
maybe you know specific companies or people involved in such work?
I'd really appreciate any ideas, however crazy. Thanks.
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Yeah I know exactly what you mean, though it's tough in this area because we're still pretty far from these ideas being mainstream. If I had the desire or skill to code I would probably be working on something bitcoin related. Maybe in the short term you can focus on something that promotes self-reliance or stronger communities. I think both of those are key in promoting freedom and peace. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'll post again if I think of something.

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You could work in daycare for a while while you're trying to figure out what to do, especially if you're a man the kids would probably like to get a good male role model that treats them with interest and care and attention


it would also give you a chance to develop lots of anecdotes to make points on how peaceful parenting can work

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Thank you guys for your suggestions. I did some more digging and the most recent thing I've come up with are NGOs. This whole idea of a "civil society" really appeals to me. It's anarchy in practice:PFrom dictionary.reference.com:

civil society: the aggregate of non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens; individuals and organizations in a society which are independent of the government.
Just a few hours ago one of my flatmates told me about this rather scary video [link] where a boy is sitting at his desk doing some math problems and his father notices his 3- mark (Polish equivalent of American D I think) he got in school. The father than totally freaks out, abuses the kid emotionally and gives him 3 short arithmetical problems and 30 seconds to complete them, after which he is coming back. And you as a viewer have these 30 seconds to help the kid do the calculations. Depending on your results the poor child gets abused either emotionally or physically. Anyway, it's a social campaign highlighting child abuse and there's a link to this charity that's behind this video.I click the link and the following hour or so goes by going through their site.I learned there's this great foundation which helps children. They do all sorts of stuff: psychological help, interventions, teaching parents alternatives to spanking, social campaigns, highlighting the problems and so on. It's the most positive information I've recently encountered! There are people out there who do a real good job helping children. Just amazing, beautiful. Whether they are aware of it or not, their work may lead to a better, more peaceful and free society. (Even if it didn't it's still super-important and great what they do). I have checked their funding sources and about 70% of the money they raise comes from private donors, other charities and private companies. (The other 30% is government funding, either Polish or European Union).
Anyway, while reading their website I have encountered many more foundations which aim at bettering the world and it seems really cool to me. There's even something called Polish-American Freedom Foundation, but have yet to check them out.
So, I was wondering, maybe some of you know some NGOs, charities and such that help promote the cause of peace, liberty and prosperity? (in the US, Poland, Europe or worldwide, doesn't really matter where right now)?Maybe someone reading this post works in this field? I'd like to learn more:)
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I created my own job. I found this conversation super helpful in figuring out how to make that happen.



Thank you so much for posting this, Mike! This podcast gave me a lot to think about. I've listened to it three times already and I'm still letting it sink in. Priceless information!

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