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Confused on Justin Bieber vid


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Ok, I'm a little confused about what Stef put forward on the Justin Bieber video and what he recently said on a call-in show:So first off I'd like to say, while I don't particularly care for Justin Bieber's music I do know he's filling a market and provides joy and satisfaction to a great many people.  I have no problems with him as an entertainer and in fact think he has done an amazing job.  I also agree with Stef in the video where he asks "Who wouldn't take that deal?"  Yes I'm sure any sane rational person who had the talent would take the same deal.


My confusion is when he mentions Justin Bieber's DUI...


In one of the most recent call-in shows, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CuS6fJVO3U&list=UUC3L8QaxqEGUiBC252GHy3w (Feminism made me an alcoholic) Stef makes this statement:

"The drunk driving thing drives me completely insane.  You know my kid is going to be out there driving or biking...and people who drive drunk get me so angry, like I'm not even going to try and be rational in this area.  That is so astoundingly dangerous and evil..."


If it's so dangerous and evil...why does Justin get a pass in the video as, "under a lot of pressure."  Like I'm just trying to universalize this and just because the guy is enormously talented and most likely being used/leeched off of by those around him, why does he get to drive drunk?  I personally think drunk driving is terrible and I apply that to anyone famous or not.  And the evidence is clear: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/23/showbiz/justin-bieber-arrest/ He failed the field sobriety test.


If someone has some insight or can help me understand it would be greatly appreciated I'm just trying to find out why there is a discrepancy between the two.  Or maybe there isn't and I'm missing something.

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"There may be a gigantic hole in the case against Justin Bieber ... because we've now learned the singer had next to NO alcohol in his system yet cops at the scene said he reeked of alcohol.  

We have now confirmed Justin's actual blood alcohol level ... it was .014 -- next to nothing.  Legal intoxication is .08.  Law enforcement sources told TMZ Thursday Bieber had a .04 ...  but we've now confirmed that is NOT true.  He had a .014 -- an enormous difference.

For what it's worth.
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Interesting...I didn't know that thank you so much for the info Mike!  Then in that case I would agree there is a very big difference since if I remember health class even just a cough drop will make you seem drunk to the breathalyzer.  I really appreciate the response I truly was very confused.

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I wouldn't say racing cars late at night is worse than drunk driving, but you can easily lose control (especially in a Lamborghini) and end up going through the wall of a house and possibly into a child's room.


It's also a dickhead move to be racing loud cars through neighborhoods at 4:00am.

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Mike, just because new information came out about Bieber's intoxication status doesn't negate that Stefan was inconsistent.  Because at the time, as far as Stefan was concerned Bieber was under the influence while driving.


 I don't think it's that big of a deal really, but it certainly didn't answer JKPgamer's question.  Am I wrong on this?


"There may be a gigantic hole in the case against Justin Bieber ... because we've now learned the singer had next to NO alcohol in his system yet cops at the scene said he reeked of alcohol.  

We have now confirmed Justin's actual blood alcohol level ... it was .014 -- next to nothing.  Legal intoxication is .08.  Law enforcement sources told TMZ Thursday Bieber had a .04 ...  but we've now confirmed that is NOT true.  He had a .014 -- an enormous difference.

For what it's worth.


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I wouldn't say racing cars late at night is worse than drunk driving, but you can easily lose control (especially in a Lamborghini) and end up going through the wall of a house and possibly into a child's room



it's the easy lose of control that is common in both scenarios


if people want to race cars, they can go to a race track or their own private property.

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Bieber was racing a car at night with the road closed off.


This woman was driving her children around, picking them up at school around countless other children, for years and years.  


Bieber is a wreckless millionaire young man.  This was a mother endangering her children repetitively in an area highly populated with other children.  Different situations.

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Guest Don C

I thought that there was evidence from the GPS in the cars, and SUVs, that there was no racing! That the SUVs never stopped to block a street, or whatever the police said was going on.  (I am not sure what happened, but the police seemed to make stuff up.)


But the poster asked if Stefan was being consistent with his views on drunk driving, when he made the Bieber video, with the information we (the public at large) had at the time....

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Mike, just because new information came out about Bieber's intoxication status doesn't negate that Stefan was inconsistent.  Because at the time, as far as Stefan was concerned Bieber was under the influence while driving.


 I don't think it's that big of a deal really, but it certainly didn't answer JKPgamer's question.  Am I wrong on this?


The article I linked came out on 1/24/14.  The video Stefan did came out on 1/26/14.


The video Stefan did was about the hatred and emotional hysteria that people have for Bieber, and discussing the pressure of being on such a stage, the parasites that surround somebody in that situation and people wanting him to fail. The Bieber hatred was happening LONG BEFORE any possible drunk driving nonsense and that’s what the video was about.


I don’t see the inconsistency, but if I’m missing something please feel free to point it out.

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My original post was because it seemed Stef was giving a pass to a drunk driver when Stef labeled all drunk drives dangerous and evil.  I know the two situations are different but if you look at the quote Stef applies his label to ALL drunk drivers regardless of situation.

That's all I was trying to reconcile and as far as I can see there is evidence that Justin Bieber wasn't drunk just driving recklessly.

And yes Mike I know the vid was more to the irrational haters of Justin Bieber I just found the drunk driving thing inconsistent which you've now corrected...which is why I asked because I knew I probably didn't have the full picture...thanks again!

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The article I linked came out on 1/24/14.  The video Stefan did came out on 1/26/14.


The video Stefan did was about the hatred and emotional hysteria that people have for Bieber, and discussing the pressure of being on such a stage, the parasites that surround somebody in that situation and people wanting him to fail. The Bieber hatred was happening LONG BEFORE any possible drunk driving nonsense and that’s what the video was about.


I don’t see the inconsistency, but if I’m missing something please feel free to point it out.


Mike you're right.  I didn't see the date on the article.  Sorry about that.

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I think the point of the Justin B videos are to show the jealousy and general hate. 

I don't think most people think he is a saint. 

Getting cought up in the logical consistency to me is missing the point of the videos. 

I don't think stef made the videos to defend a pop star. 

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You are conflating subjects.Is Justing Bieber the perfect example you must follow as a model ? Probably not. But that isn't the point of the video.The point is that Justin Bieber generate a tremedous of hate. And that is quite interesting, because, on many aspects, he is certainly not the most evil guy around. He does pop music that some may not like, but other do like. He put a lot of work in it.Corey Taylor state it in another way, maybe you'll get it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNVacqtym1EFor the reccord, Corey Taylor is a singer in several band, and has show to be quite capable on a very large spectrum (to give you an idea, it goes from

). If someone is capable of judging a singer, you got it right there.
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I don't think drunk-driving in and of itself is evil, not in the slightest. I think people who regularly get drunk tend to do risky things, such as driving recklessly just because they're drunk, and to impress their friends. The fact that alcohol also reduces their reaction time and perception of reality just makes it worse. This is why so many people that get into accidents turn out to be drunk. It's not necessarily the drinking and driving that's the problem, it's how they drive when they're drunk.


Someone can be aware that they've had a few too many drinks, and simply decide to drive more slowly for precaution. Significantly more slowly if they're really drunk. But guess what, if they do that, cops will notice and bust them for drunk driving. So even if the driver wants to drive in a way which is safe for his level of intoxication, he can't do that because he's running a much larger risk of being caught and punished severely.


While we're on the subject of risky driving, what about sleepy driving? Now that is very scary. Falling asleep at the wheel or even closing your eyes for a few seconds is a hundred times more dangerous than driving drunk. Should there be a law against sleepy driving? How could it ever be enforced?


I think States all over the world use drunk-driving as an excuse to be able to set up checkpoints everywhere and say "papers please". While they're at it, they can say they smell some drug, and search your vehicle for any possessions that don't meet their standards and have their seal of approval.

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