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The Religous Tone

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On a recent show a caller was trying to compare evolution with religious thinking. Disregarding the content of the conversation, as soon as the caller began speaking at any length, I unconsciously recognized him as a person with religious thinking. This was some moments before he declared that he was a Christian. I attribute this to the tone of his voice. It seems near universal amongst religious believers, and I can detect them as soon as they speak, especially regarding anything tangentially about their religion.


My best (and probably inaccurate) attempt at describing the tone is: relaxed, subdued, aloof, coming from a position of superiority, or an emotional detachment, and very empathetic or sympathetic.


I recognize it in a great many religious that I talk to. I have a step brother which is deep in the Mormon faith, and he can't help but talk in this tone. His ex wife also uses this tone, although it isn't pronounced as his.


Does anybody have any theories as to the source of this? Is it related to believing that reality is fundamentally a lie? Why are these people so easy to spot just based on how they talk.

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As former christian i must concur. This is the tone and tone of arguements ive heard in the past when i transitioned.

Lisening to Atheist experience is one which really gives you an idea of what i mean even if one is religious.


For me, when i still was believer it was to mask my dout and uncertainty. Instead of saying I DONT KNOW, i had the usual yet powerful urge to mask it behind sounding confident and asserttve. But as it is often the case, when it is mere mask it comes of as aloof and arrogant sicne you in truth dont know jack, but try desperately to fill your own ignorance.


Normally people would say after while that they dont know or care (say about dna research or how airplane is built or if person X really did/was Y) but because religion is rooted so viciously (being lied to and enforced sometimes) in childhood to your personality, it stands that the arguements againts religion threaten YOU, YOUR personality and ego and identity.


Thus reason doesnt even enter the room when religious people (more religious stronger the effect) hear the arguements or hear of something that only MIGHT deteoriate the religious beliefs. This tone can be truely arrogant though, i only descrived what happens when i was religious but there are those who are even more delusional and even more personally attached.


It literally is the age old "If X is wrong then i am wrong because i have X therefore i am BAD, mistaken, a fool ectect" :)

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