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Ending relationships with statists and the religious


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I have recently ended some friendships with statists and the religious, due to the former supporting a monstrous group of people who threaten me with the initiation of force and the latter worshipping a non-existent entity who promises to torture all those who disbelieve in him; also, due to a lot of other vices that I will not go into here.Have any of you gone through such experiences? I am feeling a bit of anxiety and anger at something that recently happened that was the final straw that led me to ending the aformentioned relationships; how does one deal with some of that anxiety?

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I am in the same boat. I'm debating the existence of God with several pastors of local churches right now with my Fiance hanging in the balance. I've recently de-converted from Christianity due to listening to some of Stef's broadcasts (In particular, "Against the Gods" and "UPB" audiobooks)


My Fiance, won't marry an non-believer. So I'm trying to help her see the light. Or I have to break this relationship.


The anxiety that I have felt has been crippling. Destroying me at work and at home. But, I look to the future, Where I may have a wife who raises kids with me in a non-violent, non-domineering manner. And realize that whatever the costs now, I will have a far greater life in the future. Even if the remained of this month, year, or longer is pretty low.


All the best,


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Could the anxiety be protective, meaning you need these people in your life at least superficially for now? 


Have you considered investing more time looking for good people to replace them first? 

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