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World's Toughest Job (Viral Video about Moms)


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I just came across this video on youtube that is currently going viral...  I didn't know it was about mothers, until I reached the end of the video.


I felt really angry after watching it, and I'm currently trying to process my feelings but it's late and I'm about ready to fall asleep.  I'm curious to see what kind of reaction all of the good people on this board have, and look forward to talking to you all about it.
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I can't see the video because I'm in China. But I think I can pretty much guess what the video is about and it's pretty lame. I mean seriously a mom doesn't risk life and limb on a daily basis. And in fact if you have cultivated a good relationship with your children then being a mom should be a very fun and fulfilling "job".
This is just straight propaganda, if people wanted to not be mothers they don't have to be mothers. And thinking that somehow you deserve a medal because you manage to send your kids off to a public school for the day and then do whatever else it is that you would be doing with your day while that's just ridiculous.
If the vast majority of moms were staying home and not hitting their children and doing a good job of being there and emotionally supportive for their children then no one would need this kind of propaganda. But in a world with public schools and 90% of parents hitting their children this kind of propaganda is all that so-called "moms" have to fall back on.
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Not fathers. Just mothers. I should've watched until the end just to see if it said who funded that crap.


I think if there is one good thing about it it will bring into peoples attention what is required and hopefully make them consider it further before popping one out


The ones who would need that information the most aren't seeking it. They believe they can just abort, or their parents will just take care of it, or the State will give them money. In that regards, I think the video does more damage because while it says that it's a full time, all-encompassing job, it doesn't say that it's one that requires a father as well.

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Yes, I'm with dsayers on this. I think Bill Burr made a joke about motherhood being the toughest job in the world. Yea, like all that bending over the TV putting the next DVD into the tray.


It's stuff like this nonsense that probably puts young women off motherhood and has been already mentioned. Stop with the self-aggrandising silliness. It's hardly like working in a coal mine or on an oil rig in the North Sea in December.


I think anyone that had a lazy or neglectful mother would probably feel some righteous anger watching this tripe.

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I enjoyed the build up and questioning back and forth so in that respect it was entertaining. I found the following points come to mind when watching the video:
- I know a lot of real world examples that contradicts what was in the video
- No father was mentioned. 
- Stef just mentioned on the Peter Schiff show about how women basically get an income although it comes from the man etc. 
I think the exaggeration offends me the most, particularly regarding having no time for sleep. Obviously at some point the mom will sleep. The emotional hook at the end was the clincher, Far out, good way to end the video lol
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On your feet all day, no rest, blah blah blah blaaaah


Where's dad? No father?


I noticed the music swell up right before they announced "Moms." I knew when the music swelled I was about to get an incredibly ripe cowpie shoved into my ear.


I really detest these kinds of propagandas. I have hated Mother's Day for all of the pressure they put on people to revere MOM, especially given my experience of my own mother.


(Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May in the US.)

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All that aggrandizing and yet all you have to do is send them a folded piece of cardboard with sentiments someone else wrote?  Bathos?


On the upside, this is good fodder for satire.  Sentimental music swells for every job!  We are ALL special!

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I actually didn't mind it, apart from calling being a mother a job. If you think of it as a job, you are going about it all wrong.


I could not agree more with that last statement. The only people who complain about their activities are those who feel compelled to do it for one reason or the other. To make motherhood seem like a pain in the butt is to make it seem like women are just being forced to do it.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with mothering compared to a having a job. It's actually quite appropriate--you have responsibilities, you get compensated for doing so, and there are goals and rewards at the end of it, if you've done your job well.


And, you can also be fired if you've done a poor job.


Being a parent is the most important job you'll ever have. It is also completely voluntary, so not everybody needs to be a parent.

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Why is this in the General section when there is a Parenting section?


About the retarded video, BTW aggrandizing used by nathanm is a fantastic description.

It's the subtle deception by omission that gets me. It's reminds me of the nonsense one would encounter in a commercial for becoming a paid killer in a green costume.

1. Only one prerequisite/qualification: that you can have sex

2. You can't get fired

3. Your "associate" can become your slave up to including physical beatings which are not only tolerated, but in many cases encouraged by your peers

4. You can work part time hours even though everyone will assume you work full time

5. You have untold amounts of power

6. You will receive constant praise, at least initiallly, even if you suck at the job

7. You can discharge any fucked up shit from your past into your "associate" with little chance of getting caught or being held accountable

8. If after years of doing a lousy job, virtually no one will have the courage to reprimand you

9. Your peers and other associates, with few exceptions, will take your side should you choose to employ and inflict emotional or psychological distress on any associate that expresses a grievance towards you for a job NOT well done. 

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Feminist drivel.  People shouldn't have kids if they aren't prepared to give up some of their wants and needs in order to care for a child.Being a mom is the most IMPORTANT job you will ever do, but blaming CHILDREN and being a f*cking martyr over it is completely self-centered and downright evil. Someone who is martyr when it comes to raising kids doesn't love kids. They treat their kids like an accessory and that is just plain immoral.

I don't think there's anything wrong with mothering compared to a having a job. It's actually quite appropriate--you have responsibilities, you get compensated for doing so, and there are goals and rewards at the end of it, if you've done your job well.


And, you can also be fired if you've done a poor job.


Being a parent is the most important job you'll ever have. It is also completely voluntary, so not everybody needs to be a parent.

Actually, it's VERY hard to get kids taken away from bad parents. If it weren't, child abuse wouldn't happen between generations.I tire of our society which rewards unfit mothers and deadbeat dads. But that's likely intentional. Someone who is broken isn't going to become affluent enough to be a threat to the wealthy.

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There's a number of bad assumptions and generalizations, but the biggest problem I have with it is, as many have mentioned, the fact it was a parent not a mom. I figured it out within 1 minute of watching.


Even with all the bad assumptions and generalizations and not including the father I am still OK with the video as a whole.


Just because a McDonald's cashier doesn't greet you warmly doesnt mean that's not part of the job description. Besides some slight exaggerations, most of what's in the video is accurate to what a parent is responsible for doing. Its a lot of work. It makes you think about what your parents have done for you at least a little bit, and that's a good thing. Sometimes the overall message is more important than picking apart every little thing. Not many things can hold up to that type of scrutiny, but that doesn't mean there isn't any value or the overall message isn't worthwhile.


As far as being funded by American Greetings, I would be very surprised if they expect to make any decent amount of money from this video. They probably were hoping for a net neutral and maybe a little recognition. Surely there was some profit motivation, but I would gamble it was mostly a desire to do something cool and meaningful for mothers day. Genuine if you will

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"Getting fired" as a parent doesn't just mean having the children taken out of the home. I was primarily thinking of, once the child grows up to be an adult, they can choose to not associate with their parents if they were bad people.

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