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Hello, There are 3 of us attending so far.  Small, but a start!  We are meeting at The Junction Chicago inside Union Station at 2pm Sat. April 26th.  My wife works there and we were ok'd to meet there.  If the time or place doesn't work for enough people let me know and we can try something else.  Just want to get this thing started here in the heart of progressive central.   Thanks, any feedback would be helpful.




I just noticed this. Let's plan another one for anyone still interested who couldn't make this. These need cross promotion on Facebook and Meetup and anywhere else appropriate. We need to compile a list of potential people and contact info. Anytime there is an event each person can be contacted and info posted in places where it will be seen. I am trying to get some events going in NW Indiana. I am still figuring out this whole promoter skill. I think I have to figure it out enough until I attract a person better at promoting.


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