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Malls empty in Venezuela as economic woes bite

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Venezuelans, already struggling to find basics like milk and toilet paper at the supermarket, are now confronted with empty appliance store windows and clothes racks at shopping centers.

Malls have become deserted in the oil-rich country, with stores straining under government-imposed limits on profits, rents and access to hard currency.

Venezuelans have always loved to shop, even under a socialist-inspired government that frequently lambasts capitalism and consumerism.

But in many shopping centers, stores are closing and the shelves are nearly empty in those that remain open.


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I am so conflicted hearing stories like this. On the one hand I feel awful for the people who have to suffer under these conditions, but on the other hand you would think that after seeing the results of this war on price, people might be more clear on the causes of their economic trouble.

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Nah, nah, nah. It's not price controls. According to Madurro, Robert Reich, Paul Krugman, et al, it's those who peddle in hate speech, have O.D.D (oppositional defiant disorder), and oppose "the will of the people" that are causing an economic holocaust. What is needed is more central power so we can acieve more freedom. :)

I wonder why the American press has pretty much ignored this story?

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