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Wow, They don't waste any time, within the first 2 minutes their playing victim, and clamming discrimination from the scientific community, and making unsubstantiated claims by supposed authorities, that consciousness is separate from the brain.  Do more research it is classic modern bunk.  Nice production value those, and a very friendly voice.

Baylor how much of this did you watch...


I know I have seen some good stuff about this but here is a simple overview. 



If their is something you don't understand, let me know, their are some interesting facts that are true, but taken way out of context, and then are used to support complete fiction. It  kinda reminds me of Men in Black.  K:  "Elvis isn't dead he just went home"

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Just started looking into this study.  I'm exceedingly skeptical, but a lot of it goes over my head.  Curious if anyone has any resources/knowledge on this subject, be it further study, critiques, debunking, etc. 

Debunking? You mean like an actual physicist with an YouTube channel that created an entire series on this guy's pseudo-sophistry? I can help you with that...https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHLnw5-2vMBRvibTnTI89CaPt6M-WI0R4

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Thanks,  I thought he was a little to dismissive, when I ran a-crossed him the first time but getting past the face in hand, I realized he did go point by point. 

His most important video to date in which he addresses a video response from this Spirit Science guy explains why he's doing it and accounts for the face-palms and mockery. See it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1s00ogoPvE

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Martymer is a little harsh, but I am really enjoying his critiques.

Harsh, I bet you didn't see Jordan's (Spirit Science) history movie...

Martymer is a little harsh, but I am really enjoying his critiques.

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