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UK meetups just getting started


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Greetings fellow islanders,


I'm really rather keen to meet other FDRers in the UK so I've begun hosting meetups in my local area of Lewes in East Sussex. Here's a link to the next facebook event that I've created for it:



Do get in touch if you'd like to join in the philosophising, food-swapping, rambling fun. I like the idea of meeting to co-create something rather than just consume, so let me know if you have any activities you can suggest doing together as a group. I want to make these meetups the best they can be so I welcome the feedback.


Also, I'm sure there must be other groups meeting in the UK already. Please, tell me who you are! Where do you meet? I'd really like to go explore and meet you all.



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Sorry that is all the way at the bottomo of the country I am in Scotland, it would cost a fortune and take forever to get there


I think we would have more luck organizing a meet in Manchester for example because it is central and everyone could get there?


Even getting the megabus sleeper to London could be an option if it was an all day event


Good luck 

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Hey, thanks for getting in touch.


I hope there are also southerners willing to flock to this sunny corner of the country. I'd also be happy to travel. Manchester or Scotland dooesn't make a big difference to me as I'd go on the train and take a couple of days to explore a bit too.


So tell me, who's everyone? Have you met many kindred spirits already?

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