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Talk show host Wendy Williams advises woman to trick her husband into having another child with her by not taking birth control pills, crowd cheers in


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Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than that, the next subject that she speaks of is spanking and how useful it can be when it comes to raising your children properly.


That woman disgusts me. That crowd as well...

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Its so disgusting that this goes on. I know of at-least 1 real life case in my friend group.


I live in the UK where its illegal to paternity test your child without the mothers knowledge. Who knows if its even my friends child... he is half Italian and the child is pale skin tone (the mother is white-English) 

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Notice how there is absolutely no analysis of WHY the guy went back on is word.  Let's accept the women's claim at face value.  Her husband promised her that they would have 2 kids.  Now he wants to go back on that agreement.  Did he always want one kid?  Or did something about having their first kid change his mind?  If he always intended to break the promise that says something about him and the relationship that really should be examined.  If he always intended to follow through but something has changed THAT really should be examined.  Instead there is simply no questions asked, nothing is delved into, no theories of his behavior and what it means are presented, not even bad ones.  It's as though the man does not exist except as an obstacle to the women getting pregnant again.  Maybe the financial situation is bad, maybe he just isn't coping as well as a father as he'd thought.  Neither of these are necessarily permanent.   It's quite possible that in a few years he the finances will be better and he'll have learned better parenting/coping skills.


Or, and here's a thought, he doesn't want to have 2 kids UNDER 2 at the same time.  I mean their daughter isn't even a year old and she's so desperate to have another she's prepared to lie to her husband?  A bit of breathing room isn't a horrible idea.  Relationships based on deception are.

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Notice how there is absolutely no analysis of WHY the guy went back on is word.  Let's accept the women's claim at face value.  Her husband promised her that they would have 2 kids.  Now he wants to go back on that agreement.


One might think that he could change his mind at any point in sex/reproduction matters;  "no means no" and all that.  Or perhaps that is a one-way street. 

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Well we just have to universalize a bit here,


Male Guest; 'my wife said we'd have more kids, now she wont, should I pin the condom'

Male host; *laugh* 'well I'm not telling you to do it but........'

How about


Male Guest: 'My wife said when we got married that we'd have sex at least weekly, but now she won't. Should I take what was promised to me?'

Male Host: *laugh* 'Well, I'm not telling you to do it, but ...'

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Male host, *laugh* 'women have never controlled our lust'


As for her comments on hitting children, for me the worst part was the look on her face,

A bit of a wince that seemed to say she's thinking 'I don't know if I'll get away with this'

Which suggests on some level, she knows what she's doing/saying is wrong.

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Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than that, the next subject that she speaks of is spanking and how useful it can be when it comes to raising your children properly.


That woman disgusts me. That crowd as well...

Yeah. The Pro-spankers make me sick. There are easier and more humane ways to teach children to develop self-control and be good people.Fear and respect ARE NOT the same thing. 

To quote Professor Farnsworth: "I don't want to live on this planet any more."

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  • 6 months later...

That's pretty horrible. I really feel sorry for people that consume this kind of garbage. Before I started listening to Steph these kind of things didn't really effect me that much. Now when I see stuff like this I get really sad that everyone thinks this kind of stuff is ok.

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