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Leaving the military

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However, I have to stand up for what I know to be true.


Ahead of that, you have to get yourself to tomorrow. I'm not fully aware of how a reservist fits in, but doesn't quitting entail labels such as desertion and/or dishonorable discharge? This doesn't seem to be in keeping with self-preservation. I appreciate your moral sensitivity. I'm also somebody who made the mistake of standing up to the bear that raided the campground because that was MY sandwich (figurative). Surviving comes first. I'm really sorry you were lied into such a difficult position :(

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I was in National Guard about 10 years ago.  I would recommend NOT telling your chain of command that you want to renounce your service.  I don’t think becoming a martyr is a good idea.  If you just stop showing up most likely nothing will happen, however if you challenge the militaries authority and legitimacy they will squash you like a bug.  I found a website that seems to have good info:http://girightshotline.org/en/military-knowledge-base/topic/absences-from-the-reserves

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