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any Hearthstone players here?


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I went to a Hearthstone gathering yesterday. It was really cool. A bunch of different people there, all getting along without anybody telling them what to do, what not to do, etc. It was nice having people to talk to about this pastime that I enjoy. Was wondering if others in this community have been enjoying it as well.

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I play Hearthstone as my most played computer game nowadays. I am a hobby board gamer and had never played a CCG before and am really enjoying the game which I have been in since the middle of closed beta. If you want to add me, I am Snipes777#1449 (I am pretty sure, let me know if it doesn't work). I always enjoy throwing together decks that aren't the most viable but look fun and try and see how it does. I also would be open to a more intense "tournament style" scrimmage though I am not amazing at the game, so the games usually have a decent variance depending on how many mistakes I make throughout the course of the game. :)

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well I used to play a lot after I got into beta and have tons of cards, but I got really annyoed but, what I considered major imbalances in certain aspects, so I don't usually play.


(I wish I culd just give or trade my cards away, that way at least somethign useful would come out of it).


BUT all that being said, I might be up for some casual playing along with skype chatting or so :)

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well I used to play a lot after I got into beta and have tons of cards, but I got really annyoed but, what I considered major imbalances in certain aspects, so I don't usually play.


(I wish I culd just give or trade my cards away, that way at least somethign useful would come out of it).


BUT all that being said, I might be up for some casual playing along with skype chatting or so :)

What imbalances do you think there are? The part that I find somewhat annoying is that the meta changes so fast so that the dominant decks can migrate from day to day so I can't use the same deck and learn it well in order to consitantly win. However, they are starting to release adventure modes and will come out with expansions and will most likely start to deal with game imbalances by releasing new cards that counter cards that they might think are too strong, plus providing new single player challenges.


If you add me and I see you on sometime, then maybe we can play.

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I don't quite remember the details of what bothered me so much. Depending on whether you look at Arena or Constructed that changes ofc.

But in general it's way too "coinflippy", both in terms of what Matchup you get and what random effects the card actually do in the game,


But I'll add you, maybe we can meet for a few games or so and have some fun :)

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I don't quite remember the details of what bothered me so much. Depending on whether you look at Arena or Constructed that changes ofc.

But in general it's way too "coinflippy", both in terms of what Matchup you get and what random effects the card actually do in the game,


But I'll add you, maybe we can meet for a few games or so and have some fun :)

This is why the best players in the world only make 0-2 mistakes per game and still lose like 40% of the games played. I do understand what you mean though. With any game like this it is not perfeect strategy. THey have to throw in a bit of luck (at minimum the order you draw cards off the top of the deck) to make it interesting.

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I've added you, Wes. Though the next couple days, I'll be focused on ranked play. As an ex-Magic player who did the local tournament scene, I think I have it in me to attain legendary rank. Was rank 3 with 5 stars last night and I started the day off as rank 6.


Yeah, there's some RNG in the game. However, skilled play means that despite RNG, you'll win a lot more than you'll lose. Plus, I think losing is fun because of what the game is capable of, even based on RNG. But even things like which cards to mulligan offers tremendously opportunities for skill/mistakes.

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mines TheRobin#2635 btw.


Yeah I used to play magic tournies as well and wasn't too bad either :) But still, after about 3 months of hearthstone I didn't get that same sense of randomness that magic has. Certain cards in certain matchups are way too game-deciding, which makes the meta quite crappy. In the sense, that it produces way to high Matchup win changes in and of itself, making games much more predictable, but also more random (in the sense that, you might already start with 70% winchance or so imo).Anyway, curious to hear if your impression is different after a while. And, again, happy to play some games and chat a bit, just for funsies

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Hey dudes :)


I play Hearthstone and would love to play and chat if anyone are interested. I suck though; level 16 only on the ladder. I'll add you guys if you don't mind. I am Avalanche#2192 on b.net. It's a nick I nabbed from my older brother when I was 13 before I even knew what it meant :)


Edit: Do you guys play on Americas server? I play on European.

Edited by Avalanche
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Hey Wes, I just realized, that you're probably on the American server, which is why I never get your invites :(I'll try and see how one can switch servers then (if that's possible at all) and maybe we can get a game running on Saturday or so

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You can play in whatever region you want, but each region maintains different statuses. So if you were to play on a region you haven't before, you'll have to redo the tutorial and start with a beginner's collection there.


I saw Wes log off a couple days ago, but not login. Sorry I missed you. Ended up not hitting legendary. No biggie.

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I am going to be on a bunch Saturday morning into early afternoon probably. (EST time)


I am currently working full time, finishing up a degree, and looking for a house so I don't have the most time in the world for games so I think I just logged on to try to add Robin to my friends list again.


I also think that that really stinks that it is totally different. Even if we can swap regions and play (which I know how to do) I wont be able to have my collection (or vice-versa) and may not make for the most satisfying games. It might have to be a situation where we play in a couple months or something when we are able to build up at least a free-to-play deck that could make it to legendary or something, but even then it would be a single deck which is meh.


So yea, to say the least I am not very happy about this news.

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Yeah, not sure what the idea is here from Blizzard. But anyway, I played on the US serves a bit today, added you to my freindlist and unlocked the classes and some basic cards for them.


Oh well, still fun enough for some occasional casual game I guess.


(Also probably still better than one of us having a ton of cards and the other not)

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Just realized I hadn't posted my battletag. I'm Dushku#1536 and play in the NA region. I did just put together a funsies deck that I think has the potential for being competitive. It revolves around the Void Terror card, but plays well without it. Speculation is that it will get even better once Naxxramas is released. Details:




In terms of my deck slots, I'm still focused on achieving legendary at some point. Until then, my slots will be more committed to competitive play. Though I have sort of narrowed my tastes down to ~3 decks for competition. I actually can't wait because I feel that for me, I will allow myself to actually start "playing the game" at that point.

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Just realized I hadn't posted my battletag. I'm Dushku#1536 and play in the NA region. I did just put together a funsies deck that I think has the potential for being competitive. It revolves around the Void Terror card, but plays well without it. Speculation is that it will get even better once Naxxramas is released. Details:




In terms of my deck slots, I'm still focused on achieving legendary at some point. Until then, my slots will be more committed to competitive play. Though I have sort of narrowed my tastes down to ~3 decks for competition. I actually can't wait because I feel that for me, I will allow myself to actually start "playing the game" at that point.

For sure, with the legendary that causes double deathrattle, creating a deck where you can kill your own minions while that is out is very strong. I was actually envisioning a similar deck that I was planning on putting togther once Naxxramas came out.

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Feel free to add me, Mel. I'm on quite a bit, mostly evening and on into the night, and have a history of helping people learn new games. Though I do come and go often due to work duties (alarm response/patrols).

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I've been playing Hearthstone for a couple weeks now, and it's great to see people on here playing the same game, and that are actually better than me (I assume)


I also started recording my battles for a Youtube channel in the near future (waiting for a logo to complete my intro before I start uploading)


BattleTag: SirExotic#2522


I'm also on a Teamspeak server where you guys are welcome to join so we can talk aswell :)

(I prefer Ts over Skype)

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I guess same could be said about Runescape, back in the day when you could learn everything about the game in a few months, if you start playing now it is so incredibly complicated and there's so much content added in the past few years, it ruined the game.

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