Daniel Unplugged Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 People used to think the earth was flat. Communism is at one end of the political spectrum, and fascism at the other. All political positions are therefore somewhere in between the two (despite the fact that they are nearly identical). You can pick a position, so long as it in between tyranny and tyranny. The police exist to serve and protect you. The government obeys the will of the people. The government is good. Australia is a capitalist country. The police are good. Prison is where bad people are sent. I had to obey the teachers commands. Potential employers give a shit about my test scores. The goal of schools is to prepare people for the workforce. The things taught in school are useful. Australia is a free country. You only have 5 senses. The purpose of the military is to defend the freedom of Australians. Democracy is good. You have to obey. I could go on. Would anyone like to add anything?
dsayers Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 Proximity = virtue. Be that family, sports team, nation, etc. Religion. You could make a whole list on that subject alone. It's threatening. It preps you for subjugation. It passes off as fact that which has not been substantiated. It doesn't address that it cannot be substantiated or that it is internally inconsistent. Even things as seemingly minute as "don't judge a book by its cover" is designed to let vampires suck on your neck for just a little while longer. In summary, literally every conclusion that was given without a case being made turned out to be false. At least that's what I've been learning. It's really hard unlearning all that stuff. Especially since it's hard to know what it is that you don't know that you don't know.
Daniel Unplugged Posted April 29, 2014 Author Posted April 29, 2014 Did you just quote Rumsfeld? Lol I was never taught religion in school thank god. There is much less religion here in Australia than in the US. Actually, of the religious people I have met, most have been very nice to me, despite me being an athiest. It is definitely hard work unlearning all of the propaganda, but once you start, it is hard to stop, and once your mental blocks are removed, it becomes fairly easy.
Jagsfan82 Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 Oh god.. this list could go on forever. I would argue an extremely tiny percentage of what was taught in school that was preached as an undeniable fact was actually nearly as cut and dry as they made it out to be. I need to be leaving so I gotta keep it short, but essentially many "theories" or "ideas" (Such as democracy is the most moral of government institutions) are taught as facts. If they were presented as just that, theories or ideas, there wouldn't be as much of an issue, but they are presenting these as facts to young impressionable minds, most of which were never really taught to question things. Its human nature to use the logical fallacy of appealing to authority and appealing to the masses. It would be counter to this to NOT believe what you hear in school, and as such things that are still up for debate should be presented as such. Very depressing topic. Gonna go cry myself to sleep now.
jpahmad Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 On 4/29/2014 at 8:51 AM, Daniel Unplugged said: You only have 5 senses. I didn't get the memo on the sixth sense
Daniel Unplugged Posted April 29, 2014 Author Posted April 29, 2014 On 4/29/2014 at 1:32 PM, jpahmad said: I didn't get the memo on the sixth senseHunger, tiredness, pain etc.
King David Posted May 4, 2014 Posted May 4, 2014 Calories in=calories out fat is unhealthy sunshine is bad sitting is normal gender is a decision or result of conditioning wasting your time in school is a good idea people are considered equal in the government I hate this list btw KD
AustinJames Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 I could go on all day, but here are some of my favorites... Abraham Lincoln ended slavery! Hitler was going to conquer the world! The U.S. defeated Communism! We invaded (insert country) in order to protect the population from genocidal, maniacal bastards! The "food pyramid" (constructed by the agricultural lobby) represents a perfectly balanced and healthy diet! If you don't get a college degree, you'll never have a good job! Taxes are voluntary because you can vote!
Aaron727 Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 I have had two teachers tell me this "Aaron, only two things in life are certain death and taxes"
MRW Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 I'm a senior in a public high school in northern California right now and basically anything taught in a liberal arts class is probably totally false, just as a general rule of thumb. On a similar note, I used to think all of the teachers and staff thought the same way, held very similar opinions, and planned curriculum together. But after becoming more aquainted with and seeing how inept various staff members are, I don't think they have the slightest idea of what they are doing at all.
GRosado Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Yea i'm glad that I'm graduating & next Friday I will have made it out of the gulags. They just teach so much bullshit & then when you call them on it you get in trouble.
hannahbanana Posted June 5, 2014 Posted June 5, 2014 Socialism and Communism are the same thing. America is a Capitalist country. You don't "buy votes" in politics, you "lend ears."
James Dean Posted June 8, 2014 Posted June 8, 2014 On 4/29/2014 at 1:32 PM, jpahmad said: I didn't get the memo on the sixth sense Turns out, the psychologist, Bruce Willis, was dead the whole time!
Anuojat Posted June 8, 2014 Posted June 8, 2014 Oh my this topic tickled at my memories of school: - You gotto get a good score how else woulkd you deal with REAL life. - Ok maybe youre totally uninterested in topic X and it may not be of any use to you at all but hey you should still try! Also it is mandatory. - If you dont go to school youll be left out of knowing important things. - I know youre being bullied constant, but we are trying everything we can... except you cant leave this school or not go to school at all. - Information on the internet MAY be useful but textbooks are always more accurate and contain less errors and lies! - I dont have time to actually talk to you about subjects you might be interested in o answer all your silly questions, jsut read the textbook! (aka textbooks beat critical inquiry and curiosity) - School is socially healthy experience! - Anarchy generally means or results in violance. (though luckily failed states WERE mentioned) - Philosofy is mostly mumbojumbo unless if it relates to har sciences. - There really is magical spell that differantiate 4 from 5! (in finland 4 means failed and 5 is the lowerst accepted score) - Being bullied is normal it happens to everyone. And so on
shirgall Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 The hard sciences are not immune. For example, F=ma is wrong too. http://usersguidetotheuniverse.com/?p=2718
hannahbanana Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 They want you to be unique, but only within a set of perameters that they create.
stigskog Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 They never teach you that "the poison is in the dose", which handily leaves the gates open to all sorts of irrational scares.
J. D. Stembal Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 On 5/7/2014 at 8:44 PM, AustinJames said: The "food pyramid" (constructed by the agricultural lobby) represents a perfectly balanced and healthy diet! This topic has long been my personal ax to grind. I could go on and on about it for hours but most people start tuning out after five minutes.
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