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Millennials are starting to resent Baby Boomers


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Every so often a meme like this gets voted to the top of reddit,  I spotted this today at the top of the front page titled: "Old Economy Steve"


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another example, and these are know as: Scumbag Baby Boomers


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I don't think Stefan has made a video on this topic yet

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If and when he actually does a YouTube video(he has discussed this topic a multitude of times in the podcasts) on this topic, he will really be throwing down the gauntlet. Who cares though? Most boomers are so far washed, there is no stitch or thread of color left to find. Lost causes, by and large, they are. Better to toss a little Molyneux at them and see what sticks.  

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Stef has talked about this referring to it as the "intergenerational war" to come...I agree wholeheartedly -- the wealthiest generation in the history of the planet, born on third base, think they hit a triple, wonder why we're so lazy yet they need our money. Fuck them.

FDR1609 & 2531 touch on the topic.

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Generations are defined by how vocal their respective female constituencies are.  I have been vocal about this issue a number of years now and have been met with ridiculous levels of shame tactics.  Despite having faired very well by the boomers until now, millennial women are just now beginning to witness the fallout from the anti youth and anti people agenda that this so called civil society has been perpetrating since the 50's. 



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I have a few things to say about the boomers.  Please forgive the rant.


Boomers you are a disgrace of a generation.  An utter, fucking, complete disgrace.


You will be remembered in the history books as the worst generation ever.  The one with the most benefits, most chances in all of history and the ones most willing to sell it all away for a few pieces of silver.


You almost led humanity into a technological dark age.  A dark age that might never have ended.  And you didn't just allow it.  You encouraged it!  You wanted government to do all the things that you wanted.  You were willing to go get the thugs to "pass a law" every time something didn't fit what you wanted.  You were willing to let the government get it's way, if it would just throw you a few scraps back from the table.  When it comes to selling out, you don't even have a high price.  Most of you will sell out for pennies.


I have met a few boomers in my life that I can say I genuinely like.  There have been  a few but they are a small (tiny) minority.  Most boomers are assholes and/or dickheads for the most part.  It's no wonder they need to spout the "respect your elders" line all the time.  Anybody who actually does command respect doesn't say that.  If you hear that line from someone you can be almost 100% sure that they are a complete loser.


And what of today?  Well, we can be sure of one thing, boomers will support the government to their graves.  How else are most of them going to get money from their kids?  Most boomers I know treated their kids shitty.   Many of them would extract a huge price for any material assistance that they gave their kids as adults.  They would imply uselessness.  They would try and infantilize them.  And much more asshole behaviour.  So the last thing most of them want is to have to go back to them selfsame kids when they need material help.  They know what it means.  They would much rather just be able to get stuff from their kids via the thugs in government.   That way they don't have to face the reciprocal shaming and other shitty behaviour that they were so willing to inflict.


Boomers.  They gave up hard fought freedom for 30 pieces of silver.  Freedom that others died for in history.  We, the younger generations, will be cleaning up your messes for decades.


Boomers.  You are a fucking disgrace of a generation!

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Aaron Clary has a lot of really good videos which channel this backlash. (Warning: Strong Language)


Yeah Aaron is one of the best people to unpick this battle after Stefan. I heartily recommend him for youngsters considering going to college. That said, ignore his advice on the millitary.

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