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Good for James Corbett

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I listened to this discussion on Anarchy with James Corbett.  I heard a podcast of James and Stefan from a couple of years ago in which Stefan was arguing for the merits of Anarchy and James was not convinced but remained open minded.  In this panel discussion James argues for the ethical position of anarchy and does a good job of it.  I think this is great, I like James who has done some really good stuff over the years I think.




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The conversation was very interesting. It was annoying that its' purpose, or lack of purpose, made for a very abstract and boundless chatter, which either confirmed my own biases, or annoyed me, when I heard things that sounded like fascism.


I was actually surprised at the kid, Andrew, who said some serious to-the-point phrases about social order, anarchy, and problem solving.


Short, lacking depth and direction, but still very stimulating & interesting:thanks:




James recommends a documentary about shaping people according to a different social context (as compared to people right now, who are used to coercion and dependence). Children Full of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tLB1lU-H0M.


I pretty much cried throughout the movie. This is extremely highly recommended. It is about a teacher in Japan, and a class of fourth graders. It is about the purpose of their school year, and how they handle problems.

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