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Advice until one can afford a therapist

Shane H.

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I graduated university about a year ago and deFOOed a few months ago. l now have no one in my life which I never thought would be such a problem considering how introverted I tend to default to. Until all of this became a reality though I had never realized how important others were in my life, even if they are corrupt, or statist, or religious, or boring. The only thing I truly enjoy in my day is the podcast, listening to at least two or even up to eight on my days off.


I've just gotten a good job and am busting my hump trying to save up for therapy. In the meantime, I cry just about everyday for an hour or two, and hard. This has become a serious problem as I work 14 hours a day and I need to stay friendly and pleasant to customers. It's all commission based so if I'm not at the top of my game I'm not making the money I need for therapy in the first place. I do my best to get it all out in the morning or night but half of the time I end up needing to hide in the bathroom and try to keep my weeping as quiet as possible.


Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice for what to do until I can afford therapy?

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I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble affording therapy sessions at the moment.I've found this website to be a great source of helpful content https://personal-growth-programs.com/ There are some useful books available with exercises that you can do on your own.  This is another website that might be useful to you http://sfhelp.org/ Another thing that comes to mind is that it's possible to schedule therapy sessions as often as you can afford, once every two weeks, once a month, etc. You can also let the therapist you would like to work with know about your financial situation and see if they are able to negotiate a price that fits in your budget. I hope all goes well, Shane.

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I'm sorry to hear that but I'm not surprised. My advice is connect with people in the community and chat, that's the best way to feel less alone. I started doing this recently and have had some ridiculously good conversations. If you are feeling really brave, a call into the show might also be a good idea :)


(Oh and welcome to the boards!  :happy:)

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