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Laci Green?? Feminism

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So I watched a few of Laci's videos simply because of her pro-foreskin and anti-circumcision videos, but after watching her video on Feminism I have some mixed feelings about her positions at this point. Some of her points touch on similar issues that Men's Rights Activists talk about, so it makes me wonder if maybe their are more points of agreements between some feminists and MRAs.


What do you guys think about her positions? I wouldn't mind seeing Stef have a conversation with her.

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Don't know about the videos in question so I'm not gonna comment on that.


What I am going to say is that both MRA and feminism say they have the same goal: equal rights for men and women. The difference is that MRA puts that into practice whereas feminism puts forth the "women are superior to men" agenda into practice. Lots of people call themselves "feminist" mainly out of ignorance. Kind of like how people look at the "To serve and protect" bumper stickers on squad cars and assume that's what the police is doing.


I know Warren Farrell and Erin Pizzey referred to themselves as feminists earlier on before they saw what was really going on. Never pay attention to what people say, but to what people do.

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Thank you.


I googled her name and found out who you were talking about. I have met and known several people with Cluster B personality disorders, and gotta say the moment I saw her my fight or flight mechanism kicked in. I wouldn't put much thought behind anything she does and say, viewcount is the target, not principles.

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Her main message is that sex is good, contrary to religious views. She doesn't seem to discuss that sex can be bad (disassociation etc) from a psychological perspective. It's as if consensuality and protection were the only things that mattered.

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After the feminist video i stopped watching. She has some great things to say about  sex and relationships but when a person says they are a feminist i run the other way, i have never met a sane feminist, because i don't think one exists. 


Thank you.


I googled her name and found out who you were talking about. I have met and known several people with Cluster B personality disorders, and gotta say the moment I saw her my fight or flight mechanism kicked in. I wouldn't put much thought behind anything she does and say, viewcount is the target, not principles.


Her personality, i would fall for, which isn't a good thing. Her little frantic movements, to the way she talks, her eyes , like everything tells me she is a narcissist  and im highly attracted to women like that, so i can see all the signs and now because of freedomainradio i can see i should stay away from girls like that. @Wezzums Have you had contact with a girl like that before? What happened with her, is she still in contact with you? 

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Laci became popular because she was the pretty face of the internet atheist movement. Not surprisingly, she mistook her beauty for reasoning ability and decided she could come up with arguments on her own rather than reciting borrowed material. What you see today is largely the result of that.

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After the feminist video i stopped watching. She has some great things to say about  sex and relationships but when a person says they are a feminist i run the other way, i have never met a sane feminist, because i don't think one exists. 



Her personality, i would fall for, which isn't a good thing. Her little frantic movements, to the way she talks, her eyes , like everything tells me she is a narcissist  and im highly attracted to women like that, so i can see all the signs and now because of freedomainradio i can see i should stay away from girls like that. @Wezzums Have you had contact with a girl like that before? What happened with her, is she still in contact with you? 

I have had a close friend like that, I considered her my best female friend. She was fun to be around with, I could be very blunt with her, felt I could talk about anything cause she was open minded about anything. This was in retrospect a red flag. Stopped talking with her after I realized there's nobody there, terrifying experience in of itself.


Second girl I met like that was actually in a psych ward, during a rotation. Young, pretty and very colorful in language and mannerisms, she had the whole group of a dozen plus students eating out of her hand. You know how these kind of people are actually very apt at assessing other people's personalities, especially insecurities and the like? Well she singled me out in a fraction of a second. Creepy.


You said you fall for these type of women, I do too, we all do. They can be whomever we want, they find out what ticks our fancy and they mirror that like some sort of chameleon from hell. A relationship is impossible with these types of people, they're always playing a role and they make you play a role too. And if you dare break the forth wall, they'll turn violent both verbally and physically.


There's this great line in American Psycho that sums it up: "There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."

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I had a little watch to remind me and she has indeed gotten worse. The incessant shaming tactics she employs on age old (mostly Leftist) positions. Not even a hint of irony as her titanic jugs strain against her clothing in almost every shot.


My only conclusion is that she is a walking, talking version of the magazine Cosmopolitan. A teenage version of Blue Peter even. She could probably get a spot on the BBC.

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Yea, I had to stop myself from bursting with laughter when she showed hairy armpits.....ummm ok. That wouldn't shock me as you suggest if you also weren't wearing boatloads of makeup with your boobs about to pop out of your shirt. It goes back to points I've made in the past and I think Stef has as well which is men are not the one's promoting unrealistic views of women. Most men don't care too much for makeup and everyone knows that women dress up for other women not for men. It's mainly to avoid scorn from other women.

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