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If I were a monkey I would have died.


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I was introspecting and i remember watching a documentary about chimps.

One thing that stood out to me was how much mothers and fathers teach their babies through modeling and setting a template .


There was this monkey who's mother died so the youngster monkey was left without a parental figure to teach it socializing skills and other survival skills. i.e. Picking bugs off each others back, grooming, picking fruits , and defending against predators. 

Slowly but surely the monkey was ostracized from the monkey tribe. 

Where he or she was vulnerable to predators, out in the wild without skills. This monkey was considered dead. 


This sadly reminded me allot of my life, how I'm swimming against the current to survive and learn skills that came naturally to others. 

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However many skills you may lack, you did manage to come up with an amazingly intruiging topic title. It's a really great hook and it only gets better when you explain it, if you ever decide to write a book about your life I would seriously keep this title in mind.


I realize that the message is really sad of course, and I'm sorry that your childhood was so terrible. I certainly don't want to play it down, but I just had to comment on the title.

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However many skills you may lack, you did manage to come up with an amazingly intruiging topic title. It's a really great hook and it only gets better when you explain it, if you ever decide to write a book about your life I would seriously keep this title in mind.


I realize that the message is really sad of course, and I'm sorry that your childhood was so terrible. I certainly don't want to play it down, but I just had to comment on the title.

That sounds just like something Tyler Durden would say...

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