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Real-life South Park episode; trashing anarchy.

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For supposed anarchists, they are behaving a lot like sheep. They repeat the same line over and over again in unison. It seems like all traces of individuality have been erased from them. BTW, I have no idea what this was about.


I just realized it was called the An Com conference. That sheds some light on their chanting.

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No context. There are things we can see though. Chanting repeatedly is not the same as starting a dialogue. It's verbal brow-beating. Chanting, "We will not be silenced," in response to others trying to talk is hypocritical. And as Daniel pointed out, it speaks to lack of individuality. Every one of these things makes it hard for a rational person to take these people seriously.


Self-knowledge, rational thought, and using empirical evidence to test your theories are very important!

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The "anarchists" were upset about a guy, Kristain Williams a fellow anarchist, who had the audacity to say allegations are not proof of wrong doing.


Typical leftist nonsense:Williams’s controversial writing, “The Politics of Denunciation,” states that factions of feminism have made questions about sexual assault “off limits” because it has become widely accepted that the answer is always “whatever the survivor says it is.”


“Under this theory, the survivor, and the survivor alone, has the right to make demands … one obvious implication is that all allegations are treated as fact. And often, specific allegations are not even necessary” it reads. “It may be enough to characterize someone’s behavior … as ‘sexist,’ ‘misogynist,’ ‘patriarchal, ‘silencing,’ ‘triggering,’ unsafe,’ or ‘abusive.’”


The students organized the protest through a Facebook event titled “Shut Down Kristian Williams!”

“Please come and support the survivors who Kristian Williams has targeted, support the feminists and survivor-supporters who Kristian Williams has deemed as ‘divisive,’ support a rad community that supports survivors and values women,” the description reads.





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Need another laugh? Apparently threre is something called the Jericho Movement. You see them referenced on the opening shot of OP video.This bullet point is taken from the Oregon Jericho website is an article about communist Chilean "Anarchists" (a slight contradiction IMO).



Anarcha-Feminism • The Theater of the Oppressed and popular education • Patriarchy and structural violence through capitalism, state and religion• Gender violence and discrimination



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