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A Google or Skype hangout for those interested in meeting before any plannned events


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For UK listeners I have penned in a date as the 15th June (a Sunday), as a date in which I and a board friend are happy to host a call for those that are interested in meeting up, but perhaps they feel a little anxious about the prospect of first meeting in the flesh.


Let me know your interest in such a call and add myself accordingly on Skype from my profile.


I expect this to be gentle introduction for those that would like to become more acquainted, as well as an opportunity to discuss the best place and most convenient time and date to meet up. This call should run no further than perhaps an hour.


We would like it to be activity led preferably, rather than just a sit down natter in a pub or cafe. From experience this has often been much more enjoyable, so any ideas are welcome.


Anyway, that said I look forward to hearing from you.

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Great idea xelent! I'm interested and free to join the call on 15th! I prefer activity based meet ups too, walks and cycling are great and cheap, kayaking and sailing could be an option too although there's of course the cost to consider..

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Great stuff Lians!


Yes, I had some thoughts... Given the locations of people thus far, I was considering perhaps a walk in Frensham, Surrey. A rather steady 6 mile hike through rambling countryside. This should be fairly accessible for all of us. Not quite as hilly as me and Toms last trip over the South Downs.


That said, only a thought at this stage. We may have better ideas of course.


Anyway here is the link to the walk I had in mind.

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Sounds great, this seems like a lovely walk with a combination of hills, woodland and my favourite, water:) it might be a bit tricky to get to, the closest station seems to be Farnham about 5 miles away but then there are always cars and buses..

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Yes, thanks for highlighting that Meeri. After some research I did find a bus service right outside Farnham station that will take us to Frensham Great Pond in just over 10 minutes.


Unfortunately as is often the case with these rural services, they only run once an hour. Which depending on peoples train arrivals at Farnham might mean a long wait at the station. That said, it might be affordable and more convenient to hire a cab perhaps, since it's such a short journey it probably wont be that expensive between us.


Anyway, these are things we can decide on in time of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, just a gentle reminder regarding the call next Sunday. Did people have a preference on the time at all. I've pretty much given the day up to be being at home, apart from before 12 pm. Any further ideas for an activity beyond what's already been discussed are welcome too.


Just to let Ryan and Rue know, that the rest of us here loosely reside in the south east of england.

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Ah I'm pretty flexible with the time, working Saturday night but got the Sunday off, so anytime after 12 pm is fine with me too, think an activity based meet's a great idea, make a real day out of it. I'm up in Barnsley, so decent trek down south but well up for it, would struggle to get time off work if it's in July-August though. 

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So I was thinking about perhaps 2 pm as a time for the call. That said, if the weather is of the Mediterranean kind, I can already hear the howls of objections, So let me know, otherwise I'm going with this time for now. Look forward to talking with you all this Sunday.

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I've had a request whether we could do the call later tomorrow, around 6 pm. I've not had a lot of feedback on call time as it stands. But let me know if 6 pm rather than 2 pm doesn't work for you. I'm easy here and apologies for the short notice. But if you can let me know, so that I can get some idea of people numbers in the call.


If I get no feedback I will default to my original 2 pm slot, given the short notice of change.

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Thanks for the feedback guys and sorry I took a while to confirm. I haven't been able to get hold of Tom to confirm his preference which held me up. Be that as it may, I think we will go for the 6 pm schedule. Look forward to hearing you, I'll host the call, so ping me. 

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Hey guys, apologies for not coming up with some definates recently regarding the meetup we tentatively planned, after the great call we had two weeks ago. I've recently had a rather busy schedule work wise. Anyway, I still think July 20th is an ideal date to meet up.


Hopefully, weather permitting there is a rather delightful walk through Regents Park (north London) that we might enjoy. It's not particularly strenuous, although we will be climbing the only hill in London (well technically in north London) of Primrose Hill. Great views across London and we can probably have a picnic and a natter along the way. Here is a brief of the walk for those that are interested.


I have a backup plan at a venue in East London, with plenty of room and a broad variety of food. This in case the weather is poor that day.


Of course, if anyone has any better ideas for either scenario (weather wise) then please share. If the weather is bad I would still prefer an activity, but I've yet to come up with something thus far. So any ideas here would be appreciated.


Anyway, if July 20th is really not feasible for some people, then let me know alternative dates you can make.


EDIT - A further question that I didn't ask during our call that Tom insightfully discussed with me afterwards. I was curious to know what all of you hope to get from meeting up?

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Ah according to reports we’re in for ‘A blend of sunshine and cloud’ which sounds ideal for a nice walk, can’t fault those views.


What am I hoping to get from meeting up….


Think it’ll be great just to be around rational people for a few hours lol, but yeah since coming to FDR and engaging on the forum I’ve found this community absolutely amazing, and in the long term I know it’s going to grow and develop into something very tangible outside in ‘the real world' too, and I really want to be there when it happens.

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I think the walk in Regents Park on 20th July is a great suggestion. Shall we meet at 10am? Where do you reckon is a good spot to meet?


Thanks for sharing RyanT. For me, the great thing about these FDR meetups is getting to make some steadfast friendships with likeminded people.


Also, in the long term, I'm feeling inspired to co-create an intentional community in the UK where we can meet regularly to philosophise, dance, sing, play, share food, study, network and laugh together. I'm wondering if we've reached the critical mass necessary to populate such a community. I'd like to see meetups like this one bring more people out of the woodwork and in touch with a community which is more tangible.

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Thanks for your thoughts chaps and ribuck you are most welcome to join us, despite not being on our previous call. May I ask ribuck what you would like to get from this experience?


For me, it's about attempting to connect with good and rational people. Meeting potential likeminds and people of virtue seems like an important endeavour for future happiness, if that makes sense. :)

Yes, 10 am could be a good time to meet up. Perhaps at Kings Cross.. But curious to hear from those further afield how they feel about such timing.

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May I ask ribuck what you would like to get from this experience?

Oh, I suppose I would meet some interesting people, get some exercise and have a few laughs.


I tend not to cultivate specific expectations when I do something for the first time. If something sounds interesting, I just do it. If it turns out to be worthwhile, I do similar things again in the future.


Having said that, I see it's a Sunday, and no early trains run from stations near me. The first Sunday train gets in to Euston at 1.22pm so I'll probably give it a miss.

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I'm giving this a bump as a reminder to folk that haven't yet responded to the meet up on the 20th July. Happy to re-negotiate the timing if you have found it has now clashed with something for you. But I'd like to get the event formalised as soon as possible so that those interested can make firm fixtures and I can market the event with the fdr meet up team.


Feel free to ping me on skype or facebook if you prefer.

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Ok, so after some conversation on Facebook it was felt that Saturday (19th July) might be a more preferable day rather than the Sunday for those that are more long distanced and meeting at Kings Cross at 12 pm rather than 10 am. I'm interested to hear some feedback on this if this helps bring more people to the party. Otherwise I will just revert to my previous schedule, whilst changing the meet up time (on the Sunday) to 12 pm.

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Ok, so me and Tom have decided to make the event on the Saturday (19th) at 12pm. Anyone else that would like to join, please contact me via Skype beforehand (via my profile). For those in on the call the Facebook event page is here.




Looking forward to meeting some of you again and for others for the first time too. :)

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