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Harvard plans 'mandatory power and privilege training'

Alan C.

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Harvard plans 'mandatory power and privilege training' for poli-sci students 


The administration at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government has agreed to work with a student group to implement a “mandatory power and privilege training” as part of its orientation, according to several reports by the group.. . .The post also states that the group, which calls themselves ‘Speak Out,’ will meet with the Dean some time this week to secure funding and “make sure this training is institutionalized across school.”Although the exact stipulations of the training have not yet been determined, earlier posts on the page reveal what kind of topics the group expects the privilege-checking training to cover.“A mandatory power and privilege training that examines components of race, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability, religion, international status, and power differentials for every incoming HKS student starting August 2014,” it states.The post also claimed that this mandatory training was absolutely necessary for anyone seeking to be a leader in public policy.


Apparently, State privilege won't be part of the training because the parasites need that.


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In other words fake power, that which comes from the individual, will be treated like it is a serious threat to social justice.

The individual will be treated as if they have the power of the state. That's not bait and switch. No, not at all.



“A mandatory power and privilege training that examines components of race, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability, religion, international status, and power differentials for every incoming HKS student starting August 2014,” it states."


Mandatory training is nothing more than indoctrination.

I predict lots of hand wringing as some retard blubbers on about structural violence.

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