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anger about friends graduating/feeling of being held back


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Hi everyone, I don't participate in this forum nearly as much as i should considering how much i really do enjoy reading threads when i have an off minute so hopefully i don't miss any important details. also in advance i'd like to apologize for the jumbled way i write, i'm really not a writing type person. 


At the moment i'm in High school as a junior and a lot of my friends, who are seniors, just graduated today. My issue is most of my friends are only a few months older than me and are able to graduate at 17 while i'll be graduating at 18. One of my friends specifically i'm envious of, me and him both picked up a job at the same time as webmasters for a mail-order company(same company), we've both spent a lot of time trying to make money before we were employed with this job, with various bitcoin fountains and web design sites, which i know now that he's out of high school he'll be starting up again with his extra time. nearly All my friends have graduated and i'm going to be going on to senior year of high school taking only 1 necessary credit with the rest being filled with programming classes that i'd much rather learn on my own or take online, for the most part i'm just going to be sitting around with very little work due to the nature of programming classes with my school. 

My issue though is the fallout i experienced when i got home from school today, I've been feeling angry about this all day but it really came to a head once i walked through the door. when my mom asked me what was wrong I ended up going into a full scale shouting rant.


my issue isn't so much with the time in school it's the amount of my youth will be stuck here in high school doing literately nothing. I was wondering if anyone here on the forum might have any advice in regards to my feelings of being completely held back or what i could do about high school next year.


if you have any questions please feel free to ask, and sorry about my writing again. 

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Why don't you leave high school?

I'm strongly considering it at the moment, i'm not sure what the laws are with regards to Michigan education, the only real obstacle looks to be my mom who thinks i won't get anywhere if i leave high school early

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If you are just one credit away can you take a summer class or something?


Alternatively --spend the summer learning a language and go do a foreign exchange somewhere next year.


Is GED'ing out an option?


Homeschool, and take programing classes from a local college or reputable online intitution?


If you do plan on a collegiate track, taking a lot of AP courses would probably serve you better than a lot of sub-par programming courses.

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If you are just one credit away can you take a summer class or something?Alternatively --spend the summer learning a language and go do a foreign exchange somewhere next year.Is GED'ing out an option?Homeschool, and take programing classes from a local college or reputable online intitution?If you do plan on a collegiate track, taking a lot of AP courses would probably serve you better than a lot of sub-par programming courses.

I'm going to be talking with my counselor tomorrow about it, more than likely i'll go with filling the credit over the summer and attempting to graduate after that. my biggest issue is dealing with the anger of being pinned while my friends go on to working and getting their lives built. 

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In Washington State there's a program for high school juniors and seniors that allows them to attend community college to simultaneously get high school and college credit. I did this my senior year of high school and didn't have a single class at the high school the whole year. I loved it. Plus the State paid for (i.e. extracted money from taxpayers for) everything except books. It's called Running Start here.


Possibly Michigan has a similar program?


Also, I graduated at 18. I was older than everyone in my class. My mom took a recommendation by a preschool teacher to hold me back a year because my birthday is in the summer. Lame.

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Hi everyone, I don't participate in this forum nearly as much as i should considering how much i really do enjoy reading threads when i have an off minute so hopefully i don't miss any important details. also in advance i'd like to apologize for the jumbled way i write, i'm really not a writing type person. At the moment i'm in High school as a junior and a lot of my friends, who are seniors, just graduated today. My issue is most of my friends are only a few months older than me and are able to graduate at 17 while i'll be graduating at 18. One of my friends specifically i'm envious of, me and him both picked up a job at the same time as webmasters for a mail-order company(same company), we've both spent a lot of time trying to make money before we were employed with this job, with various bitcoin fountains and web design sites, which i know now that he's out of high school he'll be starting up again with his extra time. nearly All my friends have graduated and i'm going to be going on to senior year of high school taking only 1 necessary credit with the rest being filled with programming classes that i'd much rather learn on my own or take online, for the most part i'm just going to be sitting around with very little work due to the nature of programming classes with my school. My issue though is the fallout i experienced when i got home from school today, I've been feeling angry about this all day but it really came to a head once i walked through the door. when my mom asked me what was wrong I ended up going into a full scale shouting rant.my issue isn't so much with the time in school it's the amount of my youth will be stuck here in high school doing literately nothing. I was wondering if anyone here on the forum might have any advice in regards to my feelings of being completely held back or what i could do about high school next year.if you have any questions please feel free to ask, and sorry about my writing again.

I'm a senior & I'm graduating in a few days but I'm 18 there isn't a problem with graduating at 18. But I have digressed, aren't online classes offered in Michigan they do it in Florida & I thought it was a nationally offered option.
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