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check out this Gem from MGTOW

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How profoundly disturbing. I have such anger upon seeing this clip.


What I find more disturbing than the advice that was given, is the jubilation from the crowd. 


To an extent it reminds, although on a different subject and venue, of this video of "moderate" muslims, responding in not so moderate manner to a series of questions:



We truly are living in the Matrix. 

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Just to play devild's advocate here:  In above clips of the Muslim example, all we see are cutway shots of a crowd raising their hands.  There is no way of verifying whether the crowd is the same one as the one the speaker is addressing in the clips, or whether they are responding to the audio track in the clip.


This could be a legitimate clip, but video is easily and regularly manipulated to steer perception and opinion.  It would take no time at all to cut something together like this that would be a complete distortion of the actual event..


There's no denying the Wendy thing, though.

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This was my original source for the video from the blog of Sam Harris. It has a better and original version of the clip. The video was from an annual 'peace conference' from a Muslim-Norwegian organization called Islam Net which hosts an annual "peace conference". There are written accounts of the reaction in the crowd here. Although to your point pretzelogik, there still is no definitive way to confirm the video was not edited in someway. Regardless, the sentiments of the organization remain the same, and presumably the majority of those who attend the conference are at least in agreement with a majority of the fundamental beliefs, or they would have gone to see the Lego movie or something instead :-) Oh, it wasn't out yet, ok I understand their choice now...


The reason I mention any of this - The Muslim leader in the video makes a fallacious appeal to popularity by arguing that "If the common Muslims believe in these values [stoning adulterers, gays, etc.] that means that more or less all Muslims are radical... Since this is not the case, as Islam is a peaceful religion and so are the masses of common Muslims, these Shaykhs cannot be radical." This is clearly a bullshit argument. The fact that many people have a belief that is insane, is not proof of it's sanity. I would argue it makes it's insanity all the more dangerous. 


In the exact same way, with the same dangers, Wendy and the woman in this clip rely on a similar appeal to popularity. Bolstered by the crowd's applause, with a dash of appeal to the selfishness of the woman's desire to feel "empowered", they collectively normalize lying to and ultimately raping a man. Similarly again, If challenged the women in that clip would certainly describe such an indictment as "sexist" or "crazy", much as the Muslim would claim "islamophobia" to the description of a stoning as a "radical" act. Both acts are portrayed as "normal" rather than the crimes that they both are.


Final thought, before I finally stop typing :-)


This truly is a form of rape. Wendy said "men have never been in control of our bodies, we're the one's who are in control." The second sentence of the Wikipedia article on rape states rape occurs via "coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent." We don't have to search to far for this one :-). There is no consent, ample coercion, and certainly abuse of authority in the case discussed here. What's more, imagine a group of men on a talk show laughing about raping a woman. "Woman have never been in control of our bodies, we're stronger and we're in control." I mean honestly, we'd still be counting the bodies from the resulting riots when I'm old enough to start shitting my pants again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just watched the video in the OP and can't believe what I'm hearing, not only do they support lying and tricking men but they applaud and cheer it, it's completely disgusting.


Then, without skipping a beat they move straight on to how spanking is good and you should spank your 2 year old children, they claim that they were spanked and turned out fine...well if you think lying is "turned out fine" then I guess you would support spanking, this whole thing disgusts me.

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I had the misfortune of seeing that part of the wendy show as it happened on 'live' television. My mother and sister were watching it. I brought up my disgust of the situation and both of them justified the woman's actions because 'he promised' her the second child. I felt like i was going to vomit.


I don't think that I will ever extinguish my hatred for women.

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oh my, I wish I hadn't watched that, but I have to admit it was intriguing to see what some women watch and what they think. Is there a good way to identify these women? I ask because clearly their husbands are not aware of this side to them.


It really gets me when people say "I was spanked and I turned out fine". As if excusing the hitting of children and laughing about it can be considered "fine".

I used to be one of those people. 

I had the misfortune of seeing that part of the wendy show as it happened on 'live' television. My mother and sister were watching it. I brought up my disgust of the situation and both of them justified the woman's actions because 'he promised' her the second child. I felt like i was going to vomit.


I don't think that I will ever extinguish my hatred for women.

Try not to hate women, I can't see it being productive, and besides, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is probably why Stef is so happy all the time. He is selling happiness. (aside/ I know this is a shallow argument, open to the rebuttal: "you can attract more flies with raw shit than with fresh honey." /end aside.) Maybe there are no NAWALTs out there. I don't know. I sure as hell don't want to spend the requisite lifetime trying to figure it out for myself, when we have some evidence for their existence here in the FDR community. Anyway, like Stef says: there is no sense in arguing about the morality of the actions of Jews in the concentration camps. And that's what we are, men and women, all of us captives, living out our own value propositions. Our real enemy is the state and those who profit by maintain it---turning our basic gender traits into to weapons with which to divide us. If people like us stop breeding, then what kind of world does that leave for the outliers born into the future? Its time to change the value proposition arithmetic. Condemn. Get angry. Certainly. But, hate is a lonely waste of time. Just my take on it.

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Speaking of disgusting:





I need to get into making short films. I feel like I could make films like this one all day long. Nice bearded dude shopping for a baby sling or a pram pulls out the needle and punctures a stack of condoms or swaps the birth control wheel with sugar pills. Happy Fathers' Day! Classy. I would have to come up with a looong list of potential backup YouTube names because I think I would probably need them...

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I've just watched the video in the OP and can't believe what I'm hearing, not only do they support lying and tricking men but they applaud and cheer it, it's completely disgusting.


Then, without skipping a beat they move straight on to how spanking is good and you should spank your 2 year old children, they claim that they were spanked and turned out fine...well if you think lying is "turned out fine" then I guess you would support spanking, this whole thing disgusts me.

I second that.Is it just me or does anyone else find Ms. Williams just plain vulgar? Not sure if I have disdain or sorrow for her husband.Someone brought up a good point. How and why would you marry a woman who not only knows of Wendy Williams, but would seek her out for moral advice?The whole clip strikes me as a mashup of SNL and Idiocracy.

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It's OK as long as it's a Gentle Stoning to teach them Discipline, and you cry about it afterwards.


I'm going to keep that first video bookmarked in case I accidentally eat some poison berries.


Yeah, that's another one rattling around in my head (assuming you're talking about mom from the attractive singing couple). I was thinking of going cherry picking this weekend since they are evidently in season. I can find all the Bible passages I want that support slavery and/or wife-beating and then say that I was led to manage my bitches in such a way. I am still unsure as to how I should format the vid. I don't have the doe eyes and perky apples that she does. Husky with facial hair would be more accurate and I doubt that such a look has as much modern Christian appeal. 

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