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 If you have a conversation with your average person you will quickly find yourself frustrated with their inability to think. Honesty and curiosity are met by defensive mechanisms, these people have designed their entire lives specifically to avoid any discomfort. Their dream is winning the lottery or an easy job that isn't challenging but pays well "perhaps a government job or government contract work" so they can spend the rest of their time enjoying leisure. Imagine a group of people playing while a child is being raped nearby. Even a statist would find this horrific, however this is analogically what statists do. Not only do they allow the rape to occur, well after the rape has occurred they become outraged and demand that the rapist be put in charge of protecting all other children from rape. This is the demented thought process that the majority of people possess, bringing it to their attention will only unleash their reactionary animal.
  Violent sociopaths are able to rule the world because people are terrified of change. People can convince themselves that they are open to change.. They can change their hairstyle, change their fashion accessories, change their Facebook etc.. However they are not willing to even consider the possibility of changing anything that is relatively important or hard to digest. Yes the War on Drugs is destroying families but drugs are bad.. Yes the War on Terror creates more terror but we can't just let the terrorist win.. Yes the War on Poverty is destroying the economy but we can't just let poor people suffer.. This is the pathetic world that people live in. Which is why there is so much emphasis on trivial and meaningless things such as sports, celebrity gossip and status symbols. 
 The oozy lump in the head that these people consider to be a brain will rationalize their submissive existence by repetitively chanting "there is nothing I can do about it, so I might as well try to enjoy myself" or "same shit different day" we have all heard these type of slogans but try making this excuse in the scenario where a child is being raped, almost everyone would think you are despicable. However these same people are not able to make this basic connection in relation to their own sadistic masters. Because they are in fact disconnected from reality, ensnared in a stasis trap of perpetual ignorance.
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